cute uwu fluff

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Since all the stuff that's happened with Dust, everyone decided to take a little break for themselves. After all, Killer had said that they all deserved it. Dream didn't know whether or not he just meant himself and didn't say so or if he really meant it. It didn't matter. Dream had decided to spend the day with Cross. He felt like they never spent any time together, and felt they were on different wave lengths. But he didn't know. He was probably just being paranoid. Dream sighed and looked at his boyfriend. Sort of boyfriend. He didn't really know at the moment. 

"Cross, we're good, right?" Cross startled out of his thoughts and looked at Dream. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" Then his eyes widened. "Did I do something wrong?" Dream shook his head. 

"No, I just feel like things have been a little... off with us recently. The relationship seems distant. I don't know." Cross sighed.

"Well, I don't think it's like that. Is everything okay Dream?" Dream nodded, though it was probably too fast, seeing as Cross lowered his eyes suspiciously. "Dream, you can tell me when something's wrong. You don't have to keep it to yourself." Dream crossed his arms. 

"You can take your own advice." Cross laughed. 

"Yeah, I guess so, but everything is fine right now. Is everything fine with you?" Dream sighed. 

"I don't know. You know the feeling when something's wrong but you don't necessarily know what's wrong?" Cross nodded. 

"That's kinda how I feel." Cross frowned. "Do you think you'll be okay, or do you wanna talk about it?" Dream sighed and fell back on the bed into Cross' lap. 

"I don't know. I don't really know what's wrong. Whether it has to do with you, or my brother, or someone else, I don't know what to do about it. If it's about you, I can talk to you, but if it's about my brother... that's a little bit harder." Cross hummed. 

"How so?" 

"I mean... he's just a very difficult person to get through to. I'm surprised Killer did it so easily." Cross laughed. 

"Yeah, how did he do that anyway? It's been years and I still feel like I haven't broken through to him." Dream sighed. 

"I don't know. I don't know a lot of things at the moment, and that's the problem." Dream groaned and sat up, screaming into a pillow. "I just want everyone to be okay and fine, but I don't think they are. I mean, we all did run off a few days ago at lunch..." Cross sighed.

"Yeah, Dust is just... he's got a lot going on, I guess. But that's not for you to worry about. What you need to worry about is yourself." Dream groaned again. 

"I do worry about myself. I probably worry too much about myself. I don't know. Do you think I worry too much?" Cross shook his head. 

"I mean, when you worry too much that it's hurting yourself, then yeah. But I don't think you're hurting anyone by worrying." Dream nodded and hugged himself. 

"Yeah, I don't think I'm hurting anyone either." Just then, Cross engulfed him, and Dream couldn't stop himself from blushing. His entire face was just... covered in blush.

"You know, if you do ever change your mind and wanna talk about it, I'm always here. You know that, right?" Dream nodded and leaned into Cross' touch. 

"Mhm. I know."

Lust was staring at Horror. He seemed to have a lot on his mind lately, but Lust couldn't figure out what it was. Finally, he sighed. 

"Horror, what's wrong? You seem really out of it." Horror seemed to snap out of his thoughts as he turned to Horror, still seeming half out of it. Lust frowned. "You know, if something's bothering you, you could talk to me about it. I wouldn't judge you. I'd try my best to listen and understand." Horror sighed. 

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