buried children

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y/n pov

"what if i was" i smirk back before realising where the fuck did the confidence come from.

now it was dahlias turn to blush and turn her face away. i laugh standing up holding my hand up to pull her up as well. she looks back over to me pink cheeks and a grin as she props herself up on her elbows before taking my hand allowing me to pull her up.

"i wouldn't stop you" she whispers as she passed me walking back over to the pottery wheels. im stood there a blushing mess but walk back over to my seat regardless.

we finish our mugs and leave them to dry. well dahlia said it was something else there was a process or something i dont know she was talking about all these thingys. well its drying regardless okay.

by now its around 2pm and looking outside i can see a storm brewing. dahlia wants to give me a little tour of her house to which i agree hoping to find some baby pictures because much to my dismay dahlia has somehow ended up with that photo of me when i was younger. the one lizzie now has sat next to some of her other family photos.

i tell you i almost cried when i noticed that was where she put it.

"thats hazza's room i suggest not going in there unless you want to die from the smell" she laughs. "so kitchen your welcome to help yourself to anything trust me we have food for months. she shows me around more until my eye catches a glimpse of photo frames. i pause tugging her hand back to the hallway she avoided.

"hiding something" i grin making dahlia groan. but following me knowing it was inevitable that i was going to look at these photos.

baby photos of dahlia in a tree. petting a kangaroo which i was confused as dahlia said they will most likely attack or something "thats at australia zoo. those ones are nice" she explains as if reading my thoughts i nod. continuing to look over the photos.

toothy grins holding up awards and trophies. "no way" i was shocked "YOU DID BALLET" dahlia rolls her eyes sighing as if this was her biggest secret.

"she was bloody trash at it" hayden says coming out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel before imitating a ballerina spinning around on his toes before throwing the towel at us as a final touch.

"my gran tried to get me into something more girly when i was younger. um unknowingly for her the ballet class was right next to a taekwondo class. i marched in there in a tutu and joined their class. yeah ballet didn't last long" we laugh and move on with the tour ending up outside. with our feet in the pool.

the pines house was so cool. it was spacious all one story, i mean there was an art studio with music instruments as well. really well decorated and it was just cool.

"so you know my darkest secret whats yours" dahlia asks nudging my shoulder she wasn't pressuring me to tell her anything. i stare at the water trying to think of something.

"i got nothing interesting. its not like i was in a yodelling competition or something when i was younger" right when i said that i remembered a commercial i was in when i was 5. i didn't know what it was then but god that video has been buried so far into the internet i hope it never surfaces again

"i know that face you got something" dahlia grins turning to face me.

"well i was in a" i laugh to myself closing my eyes and shaking my head "i was in a condom commercial when i was younger" dahlia starts laughing before i could even explain "it was so bad. they had these other 2 kids we were all 'siblings' they were screaming and crying and i was just sitting there. the line was. durex for the ones you want" and i got picked up and carried outta frame"

"oh thats horrible" dahlia laughs. before pulling her phone out. "i have to find it" she pulls up youtube but when i go to grab it she jumps up away from the pool still typing on her phone.

"dahlia never again" i groan "ya gotta stop doing this" i laugh as she keeps trying to find embarrassing things from my childhood.

"your so cute" she grins.

then i hear the familiar screams and dash towards her. shes laughing and runs away from me inside her house. closing the door behind her, she doesn't lock it running into her room. i open the glass door and getting to her room. the ad continues as i can hear it coming from her phone.

i throw a pillow at her head and snatch her phone when she drops it. before i can turn it off a pillow is flown at my head.

this is war.

i bash her head with the pillow as she trys to get the phone off me. soon we are both headed to the floor for the second time this afternoon.

"we keep ending up like this" dahlia smirks as she fell on top of me a pillow still in her hands.

"is that such a bad thing" her phone was still hidden behind my back. i look into her eyes her gaze changes and i notice something in her eyes. 

i begin to realise she was slowly leaning forward. i didn't stop her.

 she looks me in the eyes, our faces centimetres apart. our noses almost touching as she hovers above me. her hair still slightly damp falling in her face as she looks down with a grin. still so close she asks. 

"what would you do if i kiss you"



anygay how are your guyses lives 

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