rainy troubles

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cassie's pov
i loose y/n for a second before finding her just standing there. my eyes shift to where she was looking and i see xavier tongue deep in dahlias throat. knowing dahlia would never do this consciously so i charge at the jerk.

"what the fuck! WHAT DID YOU DO" i scream at him shoving his shoulders. he falls back into the sand and looks at me scared. only a few people pay us any mind too drunk to care.

i turn to dahlia to see her drugged up on something. i grab her hand and turn back to find y/n but she wasn't there.

"y/n?" she mumbled getting close to my face. i push her backwards not accepting the bullshit of her cheating. i know it wasn't entirely her fault but still.

"no." i answered her pushing her down into one of the seats. telling ayden to watch her. i start to walk away before she begins throwing up.

"i got it" ayden said and i nodded going to find the actress. i tried to ask around but no one really paid attention.

i cursed out loud looking everywhere before going back to dahlia.

y/n pov
i can't even say anything. i stand there in shock. when i see cassie stumble up beside me. "what the fuck!" she screams rushing over to the pair and shoving the guy away.

there was a loud ringing in my ear and i start walking away. i want lizzie. i can see the house from here or atleast what i think the house is. so i start to walk across the road.

barely any cars were around and it started to thunder but i was to angry to care. i wasn't even sad anymore i was angry at dahlia but mostly i was angry at myself for trusting her.

it started pouring and lightning crackled around me. my shoes towel and phone were all in dahlias bag still but i didn't care.

my feet slapped on the road as i started running. running always helped me clear my head as much as i hated it.

i faintly remembered all the streets but came across two identical houses and i couldn't remember which one was ours.

i took a guess and knock do one of the doors. after a second instead of lizzie opening the door it was an indian guy wearing box glasses.

"can i help you?" he asked and i shook my head apologising for the distruption. calmly walking off the deck i go to the other house.

i knock but no one answers. i can't call her and there's no other way in. it was really storming now and honestly i was getting scared. i sunk down the wall crying and pushing my hands through my hair to pull at it. the small roof over the door did little to shield me from the rain.

i love storms when i know i'm safe. and right now i don't feel very safe.

i was starting to shiver from the rain when i knocked hopelessly on the door. a second later it opens and i make eye contact with a confused lizzie.

she pulls me into the house immediately. "sweetheart what happened, i thought you were with dahlia" i couldn't answer her i kept crying. "come on a warm bath and tea" she said knowing it worked last time. and every other time.

i followed her sitting on the edge of the bath as water filled it. i watched the light show of lightning outside.

lizzie's pov
i was sitting on the balcony enjoying the warm breeze as i read my book finally taking a breather. it was 9 pm or so but the city was glowing. not like new york or LA but still significantly brighter than new zealand.

clouds covered the sky's as it started to thunder a little. i feel bad for whoever's party it was if it storms. i can see the smoke from their camp fire from here we were that close.

the rain picked up coming over the balcony so i rushed back inside and just as i put the kettle on there was a frantic knocking at the door.

i unlocked it kinda scared but saw y/n stood there shivering and bawling her eyes out. i asked her what happened but she didn't answer. "warm bath and a tea" i said knowing it always helps her calm down and get everything together.

i lead her to the bathroom and she sits on the edge blankly staring out the window. i notice she has no bag or anything not even any shoes and i begin to get very concerned.

once the bath was high enough i go to give her some privacy but she holds my hand. her hand was shaking and very cold.

she peeled her clothes of before stepping into the bath and curling up. even in the hot bath she was shaking and i was beginning to think it wasn't from the cold.

i grab a brush gently starting on her hair as she doesn't say anything. once her hair was done i gently laid a hand on her back and she jumped.

she looked at me with the most scared look it reminded me of when she first stayed over at my house and she thought i was her dad.

she starts to take short shallow breaths before jumping out of the bath splashing me and throwing up in the toilet.

i lay a towel over her and hold her hair back. i don't think she was drunk so this wasn't caused by that.

she finally stopped and i reached up to flush it before rubbing her back some more. "she kissed her ex" she told me. "dahlia cheated"

"she what" i said in disbelief and anger. i thought some very un kind things towards her until y/n started throwing up again.

y/n pov
thinking about it just made me sick to my stomach to the point i was vomiting. i wanted this day to end already.

lizzie continued to rub my back and i found it very comforting. i stopped finally and sat back wrapping the towel around me fully and resting my head on my knees.

"i'll go get you some clothes" lizzie said getting you and i nodded. as if she knew what i wanted she walked back in with her jumper and pyjama pants.

i got changed starting to feel better as i walked out to lizzie handing me a tea. we walked to lounge and she sat down then i sat directly next to her curling up by her side.

she pulled a blanket over me and i stared out the glass doors as it rained outside. she grabbed the remote flicking through disney plus until she got to the kids movies page.

"tangled or princess and the frog" she asked. i gave my answer and settled into her more basically my whole top half leaning against her.

she put the remote down and wrapped her free arm around my shoulder rubbing small circles or tracing flowers.

i really needed this.

i'm literally so tired

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