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" come on sweetheart you have to get up if your so persistant on going" lizzie said sitting up leaning against her headboard as the teen curls into her body.

she was slightly regretting her decision of going to school but she couldn't let dahlia down. y/n got out of bed walking over to the bathroom. she grabbed clothes off the floor before closing the door. 

the teen walked out a second later in dahlias hoodie and some tracksuit pants. most people would call it sloppy to be going to school like that but it looked fine and y/n really couldn't give two shits right now. 

"braid my hair please" y/n asked rubbing her eye. lizzie found this adorable swinging her legs over the side of the bed and motioning for y/n to sit down infront of her. 

the teen obliged giving the actress two hairties and her brush. "tell me if it hurts okay y/n/n" lizzie instructs beginning to brush the young girls hair. 


"its only an hour, we will be here just before ten okay" lizzie said softly. y/n was almost asleep next to her but stayed awake. her head shooting up every other second. 

"okay goodbye mother" y/n was to tired to care. lizzie smiled kissing the teens head before finally letting her out of the car. they both could get used to this. 

(to bad im the author)

lizzie drove off and y/n walked into the school to find dahlia in their usual spot. y/n sits down leaning into dahlias side. 

"hey bubs, how you feeling" dahlia asked softly. as she wrapped an arm around the other girls shoulders. 

"tired and a bit icky but im alright" she yawned back. the brunette humming in response. they stayed close until the bell went. 

not wanting to get caught up in the rush they took their time getting to class. not enough they were late but enough that the class was just going in as they got there. 

"good morning class, when we go in i want the first 5 groups to get changed so the change rooms aren't crowded" miss instructed and everyone nodded dropping their bags by the door and some people went off to get into their costumes. we didn't have to look like the character necessarily but alot still aimed for that. 

"miss when are we going" dahlia asked as i held her hand tiredly beside her. 

"you can go last if you want. y/n looks like shes about to fall asleep so you guys can go rest down the back if you want, theres a few beanbags" ms king said (forgot her name) the teens nodded accepting the offer and going to the back of the PAC to sit down. 

they sat next to eachother y/n with her head on dahlias shoulders as they faced forwards still being able to see the stage. their hands were intertwined as y/n played with dahlias fingers. 

"im gonna miss you dahls" y/n mumbled looking up and locking eyes with the girl. dahlia smiled softly looking into y/ns eyes. 

"im going to miss you to y/l/n" she brought her head closer softy kissing the crown of her head. the class was paying attention to the first performance so no one saw their interaction. 

"you should let me fly you out to atlanta one week" y/n said getting an idea as her face lights up. a smile breaks its way across dahlias face as she agrees that would be nice. 

"but im paying" 

"mmm nope" dahlia would have found the way y/n said that cute and the way she dug her head back into the surfers shoulder however y/n started to have another coughing fit. gaining the attention of most of the class. 

"sorry" she said her voice horse. "im just gonna go grab some water" she pointed to the bubblers outside the pac ms nods and the girls get up walking outside. 

when she leaves the pac she feels eyes on her. spinning around she sees no one. she hates the feeling of being watched. 

"dahlia, i think they're stalking me" y/n said caustiously after wiping her mouth after drinking water. 

"who" the brunette ponders tilting her head in question 

"my parents" 

we both share the same look and head back inside. they were up to about the 6th group so still a couple until we were up. we sat down at the back again resuming our position. 


"y/n, dahlia your up next" ms let us prepare ourselves. i was okay since i could easily perform infront of these people. much easier than thousands of people or highly trained actors and 5 fucking cameras. 

we get up setting up the stage to how we need before starting our scene...


help i can't decide wether to make them start dating now or later

also i hope your prepared for atlanta because it may be the last happy thing to happen for a while

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