movie night emotions

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y/n pov
we grabbed our pizzas walking back into dahlias room to continue our marathon.

dahlia closed her door with her foot hands full with the pizza box and a drink.

she had a pepperoni pizza whereas i had a (slay) pizza.

dahlia sat closer to me than usual like right next to each other. i didn't know is she could tell i was blushing. i assume she couldn't as she had her LED lights on.

we got comfortable under the mountains of blankets.  pillows stacked up behind us. it was extremely comfortable.

the storm finally came as it started raining outside pounding on the windows. lightning created a false daylight as it flashed outside. i wasn't to fond of the really loud bangs but most thunder i could handle.

we ate in silence watching the tv it was quite loud im surprised her parents didn't mind. my parents would have shot me dead for having it this loud then again dahlias parents are much nicer. and well they are in the opposite side of the house.

"wanda in this movie ah stunning" dahlia laughs. "nat to. literally impeccable." she's always complimenting scar and lizzie when we watch marvel i decided to tease her a little.

"i'll tell them" i grin.

"uh uh uh. no that's embarrassing" dahlia challenges but i know i have leeway.

"mhm like how embarrassing my childhood acting jobs were" i counter she groans throwing a pillow in my face but knowing she couldn't do anything.

i grab my phone opening the girls group chat we had called the better avengers.

dahlia says wanda in endgame is stunning as is nat. literally impeccable

as soon as i see lizzie typing i then throw my phone at dahlia to read their responses.

infinity war ends and dahlia asks if i could set up endgame while she goes to the toilet and grabs some water from the kitchen .

i set it up before sprawling out on the bed completely taking up the space. full on starfish and i will admit it was hella comfy. but then the bedroom door opens.

and suddenly a body has jumped onto mine wrapping their arms around my waist. making me groan at the impact.

"we gonna watch the movie like this?" i laugh my face in the blankets.

"mhm comfy" dahlia rests her head on my back facing the tv.

endgame starts and all goes as i remember. eventually i had to roll over to my back and dahlia stayed laying on top of me the butterflies in my stomach never leaving.

i don't know what we were but i don't care right now. i was happy.

unfortunately a certain vormir scene comes on screen. we all know where this is going.

in the end i ended up crying even tho i usually didn't cry in movies nat hits the spot.

dahlia had red eyes but didn't cry. she paused the movie seeing i was actually crying.

"oh babes" she mumbled amused pulling me into a hug.

i grab my phone i wasn't sobbing which was good and call scarlett it was like 10 at night but who cares.

"hey hun it's late are you okay" scarlett questioned with a tired voice

"why did she have to die" i asked her straight to the point.

"who die y/n"

dahlias pov
of course nats death was always sad but i didn't expect y/n to cry. i will admit it was kinda funny and i did sneak a photo but eventually i pulled the actress into a tight hug as she fumbled around on her phone.

"why did she have to die" y/n asks who i assumed to be scarlett on the phone. the phone talks again and y/n pouts adorablely at what the asked

"nat! why did she have to die" y/ns was face was all scrunched up it was so cute.

eventually y/n seems happy with her conversation in the phone and looks up at me with a small smile.

"can i kiss you" she asked i smiled nodding as i lent in. it was a short kiss and i could taste her salty tears. which i quickly wiped away before pulling her into my chest.

we watched the rest of the movie like this. it was extremely comfortable.

after a roller coaster of emotions. tony snaps
y/n groans. her face screwing up. "we are watching barbie after this" she mumbled.

"of course y/n/n" i laugh tightening the hug and kissing her head.

soon enough endgame was over and y/n went to the bathroom.

i was scrolling through instagram when i saw a post of an edited photo of me and y/n of the beach today.


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