gym concerns

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you guessed it. not proof read

the next day. 

y/n pov 

i wake up at 4am feeling just shitty. i dont think its linked to anything but who knows. the first thing i do is open my phone and scan through social media to see what people are saying about me now. instead of focusing on the praise or congratulations ive gotten recently like i should have all ive been obsessing over is the hate. 

that im undeserving of my role, or my actings shit, i deserve my parents death. half of them dont make sense but i dont care it still imprints in my brain. plus people from school keep harassing me to post stuff with the cast or they try to call me to have a conversation with them. 

i dont ever want to go back to that school. 

i get changed out of my pajamas as quietly as i could before sneaking out of the room. i headed to the gym downstairs planning to workout till my mood changes. i just had to be back before lizzie or scar woke up.

3 hours later

lizzies pov

i wake up with my limbs tangled with scarletts and turn over to check the time. 7:04 am, groaning i roll back over and shake the blond awake. she wakes up jumpy and shoves me away. i just shove her back waiting for the woman to wake up more. 

"less than an hour till we leave" i told her getting up. stretching a little i walk around the bed to the single bed where i go to wake y/n but her bed was made and empty. confused i walk to the connected bathroom to see if she was there. 

when shes not i begin to panic. "scar have you seen y/n? did you hear her leave this morning?" i questioned rushing to get my phone and call her. she doesnt pick up after 2 rings and i begin to hyperventilate. she cant go missing again, i cant loose her. 

i call her again but this time i can hear the buzzing from her bed. i find her phone and panic more. i call chris evans next, those two are always scheming maybe their hanging out or something. "is y/n with you?" i asked rushed. 

"no, were just about to head down for breakfast, do you want me to see if shes down there" he asked and i agreed thanking him. 

"the boys havent seen her either" i explained to scar an she got out of bed wrapping her arms around me. it didnt matter that i was taller than her her hugs are always the best. real mumma bear hugs if you know what i mean. 

"hey shes alright, probably just exploring the hotel or something" scar suggested stroking the back of my head. "you did nothing wrong" she assured hugging me tighter. my phone started ringing and scar pulled away to let me answer it.

"hemmy said she was in the gym with him but shes not talking to him and working out pretty hard. i suggest you come down here" rdj said and i got changed into the same outfit as yesterday because it was on the floor and rushed downstairs. 

skipping the stairs i made it to the gym and there she was doing a leg press with alot of weight but it looked like she was starting to struggle. i rushed over and pushed the thing up with my shoulder to get it to lock. 

she stared ahead blankly, didnt move but she was breathing heavily. i reached out and placed a hand on her cheek causing her to snap out of whatever daze she was in and start crying. lifting her into my arms i sat down on a bench as she continued to sob. 

no one else was in the gym which i was thankful for. her whole body was shaking and i dont know if it was from crying out or exhaustion, probably both. i pet her head like scar had done for me earlier as she slowly calmed down. 

"do you want the day off work? you still have a couple sick days" i suggested knowing every time she goes to work after a rough morning she goes straight into character and barely speaks unless its her lines all day. 

but she shakes her head sniffling. i rub my hand up and down her back soothingly as she begins to take deep breaths. "your okay bubba, shhh its okay" i whisper gently in her ear. she balls her hands around the back of my shirt digging her face deeper into my shoulder. 

the gym door opens and scar walks in with a bottle of cold water. she stands right beside y/n rubbing her back and kissing the teens temple. "have some water hun" she said opening the water bottle and passing it over. she signaled that she needed to talk to me so i gently sat y/n on the bench she was quite zoned out and it worried me. 

"i went to grab y/ns phone to bring down for you's but look what the notifications are" she said passing me my daughters phone, although it seemed like an invasion of privacy scars tone worried me. 

mock_jackson69: oi slut, give me scarlett johanssons number or ill kill the pine girl 

tristan: wanna hook up, id love to be famous

bigballs4life: i still wanna smash you, you look hot in this movie

channel9news posted: Actor Y/n Y/l/n receiving serious backlash from old interviews that have resurfaced. 

"and theres like ten different emails for a number of different rolls, shes ignored them all" i looked up to scarlett a panicked and worried expression on my face. i then looked over to y/n who had laid down face first on the bench. 

i thought she had passed out at first but she was just resting. "ill talk to her after work, she still wants to go and i cant decide whats best for her. either she distracts herself allday with work or she self destructs by herself and i wont be there to help her because just my luck ill be filming and then-" scar cut me off grabbing my arms. 

"liz, calm down. its your first time being a mother and to a teen neither the less. just go with your gut, your doing so well." i thanked the blond and went back to my daughter. "please let me go to work" she whispered a determined yet sad look in her eyes. i turned back to scarlett breifly before facing yn and nodding. 

"okay sweetheart" 

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