last day

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"and just casually like 20 famous actors" billie added and i shrugged with a laugh. "whos this?" she questions showing me a photo of dahlia and i cuddled up in her bed.

"my girlfriend" it felt weird to say it, speaking of dahlia i grab my phone to respond to her. we have barely been talking lately and i hate it.

it was just her saying she was getting on the plane to aus now so i wished her a safe flight and turned my phone of.

"is that dahlia pine?" lilly questioned.

"yeah, yknow her?" i asked looking at the blond.

"well everyone knows her, shes an aussie icon. but yeah, we went to school together, she was a grade bellow me though" she said looking at the photo and smiling at me.

"what was she like" i asked exited since dahlia has only told me a bit about her friends and that before moving.

"very easygoing as you probably know. she was friends with half the school, but her ex was an absolute asshole. such a fucking physco i dont know why they stayed together so long." she said standing up to grab some drinks.

"wait the guy she was spotted hugging yesterday" i said pulling it up on my phone.

"yeah xavier" she said and i nodded. surely she wouldnt go back to him right?

2 weeks later.

i woke up and lizzie wasnt in the room but i got the fright of my life when scarlet walked out with a dark blue face mask on. falling back into bed i sigh before remembering what today is.

its the last day of filming.

once i had jumped out of bed my mother walked into the room with a box of pastry's and sorts. the boys followed after and we all sat around the room eating some on the bed before everyone  started talking about the party tonight.

"well this is the first time we have a kid on the main cast so i guess strip club is off the table" scarlett said with a laugh.

"you guys can go out if you want, i dont have to come" i said. it didnt bother me really, yes i wanted to celebrate a little but i happy with the cast and crew dinner tonight.

they continued to spitball in the way down to the car but i stayed quiet. in 4 days i'm talking to dahlia. in 3 days i'm going back to LA and in 5 days i'm starting press for this movie. everything's happening all at once and i'm scared.

i'm so scared for this movie to come out and i'm scared for what happens after. i've gotten countless offers for major rolls after this movie but i don't know if i can bring myself to take them.

this movie had some of the best moments in my life but also my very worst. i don't know if i can handle the stress again.

"y/n?" i hear my name called faintly, i snap out of my thoughts and look up to see everyone staring at me with concern. that's when i notice i had tears freely flowing from my eyes.

i quickly wipe them away with a laugh. "must've been staring too long" i brushed off everyone nodded but i felt my mothers eyes on me still.

i didn't even try to put on a fake smile i know she would see right through it anyway. we arrive and everyone gets out quickly but as i go to get out lizzie gently grabs my arm.

"are you okay" she asked her eyes scanning over my face a million times.

"mhm" i nodded but the way the pitch was high showed i was lying. she just pulled me into her holding my head in the crook of her neck.

i pull out my leg from under me and sling it over lizzie to be able to hug her properly. she tightens her hold on me gently rubbing ny back as i ball the back of her shirt in my hands holding her tightly.

she kisses my head several times assuring me everything will be okay and that she's here if i need her. i really needed this and don't want to let go but soon the car door is opened and light floods the inside.

"what's taking you guys so lo-" renner said peering in but closing the door after which i was grateful for.

"i'm scared" i whispered but offered her no explanation. i pulled away from the hug and she grabbed my face. as she does this i noticed how glossed over her eyes are. i really hope i'm not worrying her. i'm trying my best not to be a bother.

we heard tapping on the car door again and figured we needed to get out so i climbed off my mother and out the door only to find the cast standing around like lost baboons.

"no one's here" they said but once we got out some sort of surprise happened because everyone jumped out.

3rd person pov
for the rest of the day y/n clung to her mother as much as she could. she couldn't explain the feeling but she had a twisted feeling in her stomach and she was scared for what it means.

she felt something bad was about to happen and she didn't like it one bit. it was making her so paranoid it was a struggle to get the teen to eat lunch or do anything really.

not the ideal last day in her mind. she wanted it to be fun and celebratory for all the hard work they had all done but every emotion she felt during these pass couple months came crashing back too her and it was hard to cope.

y/n was digging her nails into her forearm as she tried to keep everything under control. everyone was talking and laughing around her and she didn't want to mess up the mood.

everyone was told to get into position for their last and final scene. it was easy because it was an emotional scene and everyone was feeling sad at this point.

as soon as the scene stopped everyone broke out into cheers. scarlett was running around hugging everyone as the producers and directors said some last words.

"i want to thank you all for being apart of this movie it has been a roller coaster that's for sure..." speeches speeches and more speeches.

"that's a wrap. goodbye everyone"

and that's the end of this book i want to thank you all so much for reading it really has been a journey and i love you all so so much.

JOKES oml you guys are in for a shocking time now.

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