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Sunday, October 8, 2028, around 05.00 A.M

As expected, Athena had already woken up when Dylan was about to prepare breakfast. He wanted to ask what she would like to eat when the goddess went ahead of him.

"I have rectified the cracks on the ceiling and the walls," she said, making him immediately shift his attention to where the cracks should be.

"I feel relieved now," Dylan said as he looked back at Athena. "Mr. Gafner will not charge me more at the end of the month."

"I am deeply sorry."

"Ah, I'm just joking. Please don't take it seriously, goddess Athena."

"You do not have to call me goddess Athena again. Calling me by my name is already enough."

"Are ... you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure," Athena nodded.


"I did some contemplation earlier this morning," she paused. "If the tools and machines of the current world are so much different from the world I know, then in the aspect of humans' daily life, I believe there will also be many differences."

"I never really studied history, but I agree the differences will be significant."

"I want to adjust to those differences," Athena said. "To achieve that goal, I'll need your assistance."

"My assistance?"

"Yes," Athena nodded. "Will you help me?"

"I'll be glad to."

"Great!" Athena responded with high spirits. "When can we start then?"

"I guess after I get home from work. How's that sound?"

"That sounds perfect," Athena agreed. "What do you think is the best thing I should learn first?"

"Hmm ..." Dylan mumbled. I think you still have to adjust to the current machine and tools before you step further into the present way of living. What do you think?"

Athena seemed to be pondering. But then she said, "I think you are right. I really have to learn these weird yet useful machines, too."

"Yes, you're correct."

"So, what will I learn first?"

Dylan looked at his surroundings. "How about the Personal Computer?" He pointed at the computer he used for showing Athena the Temple of Athena Nike. "It is the pioneer of so many useful objects. Hence, I think it will be more prudent to study it first."

"If it's indeed the pioneer, then I look forward to studying about it."

"Deal then. After I get back home, we will start studying this machine."


Four Days Later: Wednesday, October 11, 2028, around 7.30 P.M

"Hi, Athena," Dylan called as he entered the dining area.

Athena turned around. "Hi, Dylan."

"How's the learning today?" Dylan said as he took out two bento boxes from the tote bag he clutched. He then put both of them into the microwave.

"I am still in the ninth chapter of this book," Athena said as she raised the book, revealing the title as 'Everything about Artificial Intelligence.' "I must admit it's difficult to follow up on everything about self-learning technology."

"It's okay. This topic is really complicated to comprehend."

"It surely is," Athena said as he got up from the swivel chair and walked to Dylan.

Dylan took out the heated bentos. "Anyway, I brought salmon bento today. I can't say whether you recognized this fish or not."

"Recognize it or not, I'm sure it will be delicious," Athena said as she smiled.

"Good then," Dylan returned the smile. He then uncovered the bento lid and handed it to Athena.

"Hopefully, this also suits your taste."

"Well, until now, the present food never stops to amaze me," Athena said as she grabbed the chopsticks. Her eyes instantly widened when she had just put the shred of meat on her tongue.

"This, too, is also scrumptious!" she said as she continued digging in.

"I'm relieved," Dylan responded with a smile.

"Ah, anyway, I've been learning online these past three days. All the technologies you've recommended, and all the habits and ways of living, from noble to most disgusting. I think I'm now ready to step outside and experience the real world directly."

"Hmm ..." Dylan mumbled. "If you have indeed studied all these things, then I think you will not face a culture shock when you go outside."

"What is a culture shock?"

"In short, you become shocked by everything that's so much different from what you know. That can include technology, way of living, habits, religious beliefs, and more. It could produce an unwanted outcome, such as - -"

"Such as I cursing your friend to a tree," Athena responded, but then she chuckled as she put another shred of meat in her mouth.

"Yeah, sort of ..." Dylan chuckled awkwardly. "Anyway, if you can start seeing the outside world, we can do it on Friday when I'm off work. How's that sound?"

"That sounds perfect," Athena agreed. "Is there anything that I probably need to prepare?"

"There is one crucial thing."

"What is it?"

"You need to change your attire."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now