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Saturday, October 7, 2028, around 08.10 P.M

Placing the four books on the dining table, Athena immediately chose 'The Machine Shaping The World Part I.' After she flipped to the first chapter, the pictures and the description absorbed her in no time. Seeing she had so much passion for studying the world that she claimed she never knew, her power to manipulate the matter suddenly popped up in Dylan's head.

The thirst for knowledge, supported by mountains of books in the library, would eventually help Athena know and understand various objects she might never have imagined would exist. Remembering her short temper, Dylan wondered what would happen after this. Will she change a bus strap into a shackle if another passenger accidentally steps on her feet? Or will she transform the traffic light into a lethal weapon, say like a Rocket Launcher, if someone spits near her?

"Athena ...," Dylan called forward. Instantly, the goddess turned around.

"Dylan ...," Athena responded as soon as she locked eyes with him. "Now that I have understood your language completely, you will have to address me as 'goddess Athena.'"

"Ah ... noted," he responded awkwardly. He then scoffed before continuing to speak. "goddess Athena, I would like ... to convey a request."

"A request?" She responded as she got up. "What is it?"

"I ...," he paused and scratched his head. "implore you to ... not repeating the curse."

"Do you mean you implore me not to do the same thing I did to your friend?"

"Ye ... yes," he nodded. "To my friend ... or even to everyone you come across."

"That would depend on the circumstances. If any mortals should insult or besmirch me, then they will never escape my wrath."

"Oh ..."

"Anything else you would like to say?"

"No ... no ...," he shook his head. "Thank you ... for your time, goddess Athena."

"Gratitude accepted," Athena replied as she sat back and read again.

Athena had blatantly turned down his request. However, Dylan was adamant about seeking a way to prevent this possible upcoming chaos. He returned to his room and started pondering. As an entire nation might not even have sufficient power to stop her, he believed that the only solution for this problem was the soft approach.

Taking out his phone, Dylan started typing goddess Athena in the internet browser search bar. To figure out this soft approach, he must first know as much as possible about the goddess from every source. Unfortunately, after opening and reading twelve credible studies, he did not find what he was looking for.

Every article or study he read mostly provided general information, such as the birth, the favoured human, the curse, the worship and offering tradition, symbols, Roman Name, what city she protected, and the ancient structure related. The closest he could get to his goal was about the worship/offering tradition. However, he was unsure that he could always give an offering to soothe her anger. Being aware of this possibility made him believe that the only way to stop Athena from being angry was to possess a much greater supernatural power than the goddess herself.


"Where have you been?" Athena asked after Dylan returned to the kitchen.

"I've just taken a bath."

"It took you a long time to complete this basic need."

"It's because I'm thinking of something while bathing."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now