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Saturday, October 22, 2028, around 1.30 P.M

Sitting face to face with Hera, Athena mentioned the name 'Zeus'. She had actually mentioned it back at the church, but it did not ring a bell at that time. Unfortunately, even after she repeated it this time, Hera still could not remember the name of her husband. Athena went back even further, telling about how Zeus disguised as a cuckoo, with the intention to force Hera into marrying him. Instead of Hera gaining pieces of her memory, she became confused with how a man could become a bird. Athena then mentioned the name Ares, Hebe and Ilithya, the name of the children Hera had with Zeus. Once again, her attempts were futile, as Hera could only give her a blank stare as the response to these names.

Unsuccessful with Hera's family names, Athena decided to remind her about Titanomachy. It was the great war between the Titans and the first generation of the Olympian gods; an event that became the foundation of Realm Olympus. Hera herself was one of the first generation, and she actively participated in the war that brought down the reign of the Titans. Such achievement was a pride that other gods could never earn, making Athena believe it would help Hera remember again. Sadly, after Athena recited all the details, the goddess of marriage still could not recall even a single thing.

Convinced any other stories would give the same disappointing results, Athena chose to demonstrate her godly power, with the purpose to drive Hera to do the same thing. She went under the table and lifted it up with only two fingers. She also manipulated a butter knife into a sword, and a book into a shield. Witnessing these powers, Hera's eyes flew wide and her jaw dropped. While she was rubbing the shield, most likely to ensure that the transformation was real, Athena asked her to do the same thing as her.

Hera was astonished. She said it was impossible for her to lift up a heavy object, let alone transforming one. However, Athena insisted that Hera would be able to do the same thing, as she was also a goddess. Hera looked towards the table, her expression exuded doubt. But then she went under the table and attempted to lift it up.

The table was only slightly lifted up. Hera even had to use two hands to do it. She then went out and said she could not do it, which made Athena wonder what was wrong with her. Hera had been out of Kolaseos for a few days, and she was taken care of by the Father of the church. She also looked as healthy as she used to. Would it be impossible if her power had not yet recovered?

Athena took a fork and asked Hera to manipulate it into a dagger. Doubt was still on her face, but she still grasped the utensil. Athena instructed that she needed only to concentrate, and then her power would be unleashed from within her body. She tightened her grasp, and she also shut her eyes. Athena expected that at least there would be a slight change to the object, just to prove that Hera's power had actually recovered. Nevertheless, after quite some time, the fork remained still. Hera opened her eyes again and said that while concentrating, she did not feel anything unusual. Athena became bewildered. If Hera truly did not feel anything, then there was only one possible explanation: she had somehow lost her power.

Who could possibly take away Hera's power?


Other superiors who happened to cross paths with Hera?

While wondering these questions, Hera said that she needed some time alone to rest her mind. Athena nodded, and Hera went back into the room.

Restoring a god's power was beyond Athena's power. But restoring someone's memory was something she obviously could give it a try. She had learned that modern humans used a machine called Magnetic Resonance Imaging to scan the condition of their brains. However, while contemplating on choosing this method, she was made aware of a possibility. This technology, based on what she read, was so sophisticated. She wondered whether it might make the doctors learn something they should never learn, something like the secret that made a god a god. Worried that this possibility might come true, she pondered on using the old method of inspecting what was wrong inside someone's body. That old method was none other than performing surgery and locating the problems with one's own eyes.

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant