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Monday, November 7, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 10.30 A.M

Greece = Around 07.30 P.M

Orkney Island = Around 05.30 P.M

When Dylan and Hera arrived at the front gate, the situation was already like an outdoor court hall. There was one long judge table occupied by Athena, Artemis, Apollo and Hephaestus, one wooden chair occupied by William, and one marble bench occupied by Nike. Hera went straight to the middle judge chair, while Dylan sat next to Nike. "Are we judging him?"

"Of course not. He's sitting there to elaborate the plea details."

"Ah, I see," Dylan responded. "When will he start?"

"We're still waiting for Heracles," Nike said as she looked over her shoulder. "Ah, speak of the devil, he's coming now."

Dylan looked over his shoulder too. Instantly he was bewildered, as Heracles was carrying a plinth and a torch. "Why is he bringing those?" he asked as he looked at Nike.

"It's the Plinth and Torch of Aletheia," Nike said. "It's some kind of ancient lie detector."

"Ancient lie detector?"

"Aletheia is the goddess of truth," Nike said. "She made this tool to figure out any type of lies."

"It can tell you someone's lying?" Dylan asked incredulously, at the same time he eyed Heracles who just arrived at the court.

"It can," Nike said, she also eyed Heracles who was setting up the plinth at William's right side. "But be noted, it cannot tell you the lies you make."

"It would be great already if it can tell someone's lying," Dylan said.

Heracles lit up the torch. Surprisingly, the flame color was white. William seemed to be surprised too, as his eyes were glued to the white flame. When it finally roared on the plinth, Heracles faced William and said, "You should not tell even a single lie."

William only nodded. After Heracles sat next to Dylan, Athena stood up and said, "You may start now."

"O ... okay," William said. He then cleared his throat. "So ... after I resign ... ,".

The flame suddenly turned pitch black, astonishing Dylan; most likely also astonishing William.

"Tell not even a single lie, William Phillips," Athena reminded. As the real plinths with the normal orange flame were not so close to the judge's table, Athena's darkened expression became more intimidating.

William quickly nodded. "After ... ," he paused momentarily. "I got kicked by Tiny Tech BOD ... ,".

The flame turned into the white flame again. It made Dylan realize that the rumor of William Phillips not resigning on his accord, but instead getting fired by his own company, was actually true.

"I was deeply humiliated and frustrated ... ," William continued. "But as the BOD has warned me not to let the public know about the truth, I can only express my frustration by drinking every night, in my own house."

"All I know is you enjoy your life after resignation," Heracles said. "Is everything a lie?"

"It is," William said as he dropped his head. After sighing deeply, he looked back at the front. "One day I no longer care about their warning. I decided to just drive out in the middle of the night and enjoy drinking in random bars. As a result, I experienced a terrible accident due to drunk driving."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now