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Monday, November 7, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 09.00 A.M

Greece = Around 06.00 P.M

Orkney Island = Around 04.00 P.M

"What trick did he use?" Athena asked Heracles, as soon as everyone arrived at the front gate.

"Strangely no tricks at all," Heracles shook his head. "He just entered like all of us."

"That's impossible," Nike said as she threw a subside glance at William.

"It is indeed impossible," Heracles repeated. "But what bothers me more was his demeanor."

"What do you mean?" Athena asked.

"After he entered and observed the surroundings for a little while, he just sat at the front post," Heracles said. "He also looked at me, but he just bowed down his head and threw a weak smile at me."

"That demeanor will bother me as well," Nike said, once again she threw a subside glance at William.

Athena shifted her focus to William. Indeed there was something strange about him. Leaning against the post wall, his stare was gloomy and his mouth was half-opened. Both of his shoulders also slumped. Instead of someone who was ready for battle, he was more like someone who had lost the will to live. Athena began to doubt that William did have the ambition to rule the world. Itching to directly hear what was his true motive, she decided to just confront him.

William suddenly rose to his feet. After taking a deep breath, sands astonishingly emerged from his body; they materialized into Draugrs and another creature with leaves crown, which everyone only ever saw in Voulos' recording. While the sands kept flowing and adding more of them, Athena already signaled to charge forward.

The first enemy Athena targeted was the Draugr. She tore it apart with Hephaestus' blades. As she was in a tight battle, she immediately proceeded to focus on the others. However, she still routinely checked on the remains she had slain. It was a little bit difficult, as most of them had been kicked away. But after a little while, she was finally convinced that this time, even though she did not specifically destroy the vital organ, the fallen undead stayed dead.

The leaves-crowned creatures attacked by simply punching or kicking. Their movement speed was like any other humans. Nevertheless, their strength was able to hurt Athena, although the punches or kicks hit her breastplate. Athena even had to summon her helmet to protect her head from concussion. Occasionally she would use Hephaestus' weapon-shield, mainly to protect her face or neck. Unfortunately, the more Athena killed them, the faster their movements became. As it was getting harder to block or avoid their incoming attacks, Athena promptly pushed one of them and somersaulted on the ground, she then sprinted to an open space. Pressing the second button, she aimed the shotgun at the enemies.

As soon as Athena channeled her power into the weapon, the shotgun blew, destroying and tossing away many enemies in front of her. Like Hephaestus said, it was like how everyone produced the infinite supplies of arrows. She once again directed the shotgun to her right, instantly blowing up another group that was coming towards her. She then switched back to the blades mode, before she sprinted and slashed the enemies with the blades and her own sword.

Athena was suddenly astonished with the blowing sound behind her. Turning to the right, it was Nike who just blew up some Draugrs attempting to slash Athena down. But then two leaves-crowned creatures, one of them slightly bigger and taller than the rest of them, grasped Nike's arms and swiftly pinned her down. Seeing the others quickly surrounded and kicked her, Athena ran towards them and slashed them. Heracles also punched the heads of the one pinning Nike down, before he pulled her up. Assisted by Artemis who quickly shot arrows at the creatures around them, Heracles managed to carry Nike to safety.

More blowing sounds were soon heard, turns out Hephaestus started shooting at the enemies. At the same time, Apollo shot his arrows at those targeting the Smith god. As Apollo's arrows and the shotgun bullets did not contain the Draugr's killing substance, Athena rushed to destroy the uninfected vital organs. Finally after quite some time, every creature was successfully slain to death, and no more sands flowed out from William's body. After Apollo cured Nike, Athena, Heracles and Hephaestus walked towards William.

"State what is your goal?" Athena demanded.

Instead of answering, William dropped to his knees, placed his hands on the ground and bowed down his head. "Please save me!" he cried.

Athena and the others looked at each other.

"Save you from what?" Hephaestus asked. "Bigger and nastier monsters?"

"No," William shook his head. He then looked at everyone. "From another god."

"Another god?" Hephaestus and Heracles responded simultaneously.

"Know his name?" Athena asked.

"I do," William nodded. "His name is Echkarat."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now