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Monday, November 7, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 08.00 P.M

Greece = Around 5.00 A.M

Orkney Island = Around 3.00 A.M

The wind was blowing strongly; it was slightly difficult for Dylan to fully open his eyes. His throat was parched, even though he did not feel that way when he was still outside the portal. A few meters away from him was the portal itself, floating above the ground. He began to crawl towards it. Unexpectedly, moving his arms or lifting up his elbows felt so heavy. Athena once told him that in Kolaseos, she was quickly exhausted whenever she ran or walked. Dylan did not think too much about it at that moment. But now as he was experiencing Kolaseos, one question popped up in his head. If Athena was a goddess but could be exhausted easily, then what would happen to him who was just a normal human being?

Dylan could no longer lift any of his arms. Even carrying around twenty cartons of soda cans would not bear the same result. As he was laying on the ground with his back to the sky, he occasionally raised his head, staring at the portal and hoping that someone would come to save him. Good thing was smoke eventually came out from the portal; soon it was revealed to be Athena. After successfully attempting to get up, she hobbled towards Dylan.

Athena grasped Dylan's hand and mouthed something inaudible. Throwing his hand around her neck, she tried to lift him up. Her knees were trembling, and she could only hunch. It clearly showed that she had been rendered powerless. Furthermore, while she was still walking to him, she did it by hobbling. There were also bruises in her arms and legs. With her current condition, it made sense if the goddess who could actually lift up a dining table with only her two fingers, now could not even carry him in a straight position.

They finally reached the portal. Unfortunately, before they could put their hands at its center, they fell to the ground. Dylan immediately put his hand in the portal, hoping that the portal would absorb them. However, instead of transforming into smoke, he was electrocuted like before. Unable to hold the pain, he dropped and dragged his hand. After the pain finally subsided, he looked to the portal again. At that moment, he noticed something strange.

A part of the portal touched the ground; it was now like a protrusion coming out from the bottom. Dylan moved his hand closer to the protrusion. Taking a deep breath, he put his hand into it.

Dylan clenched his teeth as he endured the pain. Slowly he moved his hand to the right; instantly he was surprised when the protrusion followed his hand's movement and grew wider. He pulled back his hand and observed it. If the portal could be expanded like this, then it means it was malleable according to his will. Or at least to his hand movement. This only meant one thing: he could shut the portal by pushing it inward.

Athena's breathing rhythm was weak; her face was also pale. Driven by his new discovery and the desire to end this madness once and for all, Dylan threw back his arm around her neck. Clenching his teeth again and tightly shutting his eyes, he mustered the strength to help them up. There were many stories about humans showing the strength they never had in dangerous situations. Now that Dylan was finally able to get on his feet with Athena, he had just proved the story to be true.

Athena glanced at Dylan. She then put her hands into the center of the portal. The same tingle sensation when Echkarat was sending Dylan into Kolaseos ran through his body again. His vision became dark, then he was suddenly back at the warehouse again. Echkarat was standing a few meters away from them. "I'm starting to worry that I'll lose one source of power," he said. "I really admire her dedication to you."

Echkarat looked away from Dylan and walked to Hera who had not yet gained consciousness. Carrying her up with his two hands, he said, "I don't know why she can bleed like this. But I won't risk losing her because of the stupid injuries."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now