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Sunday, November 6, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 07.00 P.M

Greece = Around 04.00 A.M

Orkney Island = Around 02.00 A.M

Walking back to the library, Dylan was preoccupied with more questions regarding the kidnapping case.

Did Athena and the others accidentally leave something that can be traced back to them?

Were there any cameras or drones that happened to capture or record them?

Would he be dragged into this matter?

Would he end up recognized by many people?

Athena and Nike were unexpectedly at the library when Dylan had just entered the reading hall. He was surprised when he noticed two mops were mopping on their own. Immediately, Athena said, "We have to quickly go to Olympus. That's why we lend a tiny shred of Olympus' magic to do your job today."

"Why ..., " Dylan paused. "... do we have to quickly go to Olympus?"

"Voulos returned a few hours ago," Athena said. "We're going to see the recording once we get back. Then we'll proceed with composing the battle strategy."

"Ah ... I see ... ," Dylan said. "Anyway ... How's ... Apollo?"

"He's completely fine, and he even joined the battle," Nike said. "Now that he's consumed Ambrosia Beef Noodle, he feels even much better."

"It's good to hear that," Dylan said.

"I guess the cleaning will be done in ten or fifteen minutes," Nike said. "We'll soon leave after that."

"Before we leave ... ," Dylan paused. "May I ... ask you something?"

"What is it?" Nike asked.

"Why ... don't you use the sphere?" Dylan asked. "I mean ... to the other kidnapping victims?"

"Ah, this must be about the witnesses who escaped," Nike said.

"Escaped?" Dylan responded.

"We've intended to put the sphere pieces on everyone," Athena said. "But these nine were outside the prisons when we arrived, and they ran away when we're battling the Trows."

"Don't worry," Nike said. "I've inspected the mountain and its surrounding, and there was no CCTV or drones flying around. I'm convinced we don't leave anything that can be traced back to us."

"I see ... ," Dylan said as he nodded.

Later on, they all went back to Olympus after the cleaning task was done. They all gathered in the dining hall, except for Nemesis who had not yet returned. Hephaestus and Heracles had arranged a computer and a large screen to project the recording. Upon seeing Dylan and the others entering the hall, Hephaestus took out a box from his satchel; this time the size was slightly larger than the previous Voulos box. Removing the lid, he revealed the same Voulos, but with an additional match-size box and a lens at the middle of it. Hephaestus took out the match-size box and attached it to the computer. After some configuration, the screen finally displayed a warehouse-like building.

There were people who wore yellow safety helmets, wandering around or playing cards and drinking some beer. There was also a woman with a fine blazer suit, and a man in a Hawaiian buttoned shirt. The distance between Voulos and these people was so far; the mini automaton could only record murmur from these people. However, despite the unclear conversation, there was nothing suspicious. More or less the same situation was found in the second recording, with only three people consuming fast food and two people sleeping on the ground. Athena and the others seemed to be impatient, until the recording switched into the third one. In this new one, the people wandering around were all armed with weapons. Instead of a secret lair with non-human beasts or creatures, this place now resembled more a criminal organization.

"Are these people ... ," Heracles paused. "Some kind of private military armies?"

"I'm not sure," Hephaestus said. "The recording is too far. I cannot see any hints about them," he continued as he leaned forward and squeezed his eyes.

As if Voulos had predicted that its master would say that, suddenly the view got even much closer. Judging from how the recording was conducted, and from how shaky the result was, Hephaestus assumed that somehow Voulos had jumped into someone's suit pocket. The instability made Dylan seasick, but now the view and the conversation spoken was much clearer. Whatever he was talking or doing did not seem important. Dylan started feeling that this recording would not give much value, until suddenly four figures walked out from the door 'Maintenance'.

Dylan and everyone held their breath upon seeing them. While the one standing at the front was a normal human with black suit, the three figures behind him were two Draugr and one muscular man. The muscular man's skin looked like solid ground with cracks, and he wore ragged clothes and a brown crown surrounded by leaves. After walking for a few steps, the man in the suit raised his hand, making the three creatures not follow him when he started walking again.

The suspected private military soldiers immediately raised their weapon at the creatures, but they did not shoot at all. One soldier was caught looking completely terrified, and his grip on the AK-47 trembled. Probably indeed they were private military soldiers hired by William, in case things suddenly went wrong. However, Dylan also wondered what would happen to these soldiers as soon as William finished with whatever he was planning. Will William kill them? Or will he just release them at the risk of having his entire plan exposed?

"Only a few monsters and human armies," Artemis said. "I'm pretty convinced William has a lot more than this."

"Considering there are more than ten Draugrs that ambushed us, William must have even more monsters than these," Heracles said.

"Furthermore, we also didn't see any Kolaseos portal," Hephaestus said, he never let his eyes off the screen. "As there are monsters there, I want to believe that the portal is located in the same place."

"No way to know except to check it," Heracles said.

"Dylan," Hephaestus called. "We need your help to shut the portal."

Dylan had expected that request, as he was the only one who could do it. But after what happened in the Orkney Islands, he was doubtful to help.

Surely all CCTVs and phones could be broken, every trace could be concealed, and every witness could be implanted with the sphere pieces. Nevertheless, any other witnesses could still escape without having their memory altered, just like Orkney Islands. Once they made a report and the police had validated it, plus the fact that the place belonged to a prominent person like William Phillips, a very thorough and longer investigation would soon be executed.

"I know you have to go through the painful experience again," Hephaestus said again. "But right now, as I haven't been able to create the machine to shut the portal, you're the only one we can count on."

Dylan started looking at everyone. It was clear that everyone had a high hope in him. Should he just shut the portal and risk being dragged into the spotlight?

"Dylan," Athena approached him. "I don't wish to see you electrocuted by the portal again. But we have to stop William as soon as possible."

Dylan looked at Athena. He truly wanted to say that he did not wish to participate. But as his heart did not intend to follow his brain's instruction, he ended up saying, "I'll see what I can do."


Back at his room, Dylan immediately dropped onto his bed. Leaning against the pillow and placing the left dorsal on his forehead, he scrolled down his chat application. He stopped when he reached the name 'Sophia Johnson'. Opening the chat room, the last message he sent was 'Congratulations on your marriage!', and the date was February 15, 2028. Scrolling up, the message before the good wish was 'Happy Birthday, wish you all the best', sent on September 25, 2027. As he went up further, the range between exchanged messages got shorter and shorter. Eventually, he arrived at the message he was looking for from the very beginning.

Remember, Dylan. Avoid becoming famous online. Either it is positively famous or negatively famous, it will be the easiest way to have your past revealed.

Dylan put his right arm on the bed. Sighing and staring at the ceiling, he muttered, "What should I do, Sophia?"

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now