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Wednesday, November 9, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 02.30 P.M

Greece = Around 09.30 P.M

Orkney Island = Around 07.30 P.M

"So this is all of your stuff belonging to you," the officer said to Dylan as he put a box on the table, containing all the stuff confiscated by the police.

"Thank you, officer."

"And this is the form that you have to fill in."

"Okay," Dylan said as he grabbed a pen near him and started reading the form.

The officer shook his head. "If not because of William Philips' lawyer, you all wouldn't be released in just two days."

Dylan raised his head and forced a grin on his face. He then continued filling in the form.

"I'm done," Dylan said a few seconds later. "Here's the paper."

"Okay, you're good to go."

Dylan grabbed the box and distributed the items like wallets and phones to the others. After some of them caught up with all the updates they had missed during the imprisonment, they decided to immediately return home.

Arriving at the apartment, Dylan let Athena take a bath first. While waiting, he pulled out his phone. The battery was still 33%, as it was switched off when it was confiscated. The messaging application had some unread messages; the top four were from Mr. Konishi, Sophia, Michael and Melissa. Obviously the messages were sent after the news about his group arrest was published. Without opening even one message, he closed the application and opened the news website. The keyword he typed in the search box was: William Philips.

A collection of news was loaded. As expected, they were all about William's secret personal project and everyone who was involved in it, plus the wrecked CCTV, the damaged building, and the amnesiac guards in William's summer house. Dylan promptly clicked on the link discussing him and the group. The first he saw when the page was being loaded was a photo of Heracles carrying Lethe. Below it was two paragraphs of briefly explaining the incident, then after that the photo of Nike, Athena and himself. More paragraphs came after this photo. But instead of scanning or reading those compilation of words, he glued his eyes on the title link sandwiched between the fourth and fifth paragraph. That title link was none other than the news about the death of Mr. Richard Johnson.

Tapping on the link, Dylan was brought to the page published more than seven years ago. However, when he saw the photo of him and his friend, he immediately returned to the previous page. He then scrolled down to the comment section, intending to see whether there were those who noticed or even opened that link. While most of them only spoke about the current incident, there were still a few who undeniably put their attention on this old incident. Unfortunately, all of them were negative comments. Unwilling to be inundated by sadness, he decided to close the news application.

Dylan opened the messaging application again. Replying to the messages one by one, he suddenly got a phone call from Mr. Konishi. "Good evening, Mr. Konishi," he said. "I'm truly sorry for not answering your message sooner."

"Not a problem, Dylan," Mr. Konishi said. "How are you then?"

"I'm ... ," Dylan paused momentarily, wondering whether or not he should lie about his feelings .

"You're not okay," Mr. Konishi said. "Tomorrow let's have lunch together in Diner Beatrice."

"Ah ... Okay."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now