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Monday, October 24, 2028, around 07.30 P.M

Dylan ran towards the door to the receptionist. However, when he was about to grab the handle, something was suddenly tossed into the surface, instantly astonishing Dylan and causing him to fall on his bottom. That something was a black glutinous object, and it seemed to be alive with its continuous throb. Swiftly it grew wider, blanketing the entire surface in less than ten seconds. Being aware that he would not be able to tear this object, Dylan promptly hid under the table closest to the door. Not the safest place to hide, he fully realized it. Nevertheless, seeing the giant dog had blocked the way to the second floor and it was even more risky to go to the toilet, hiding under the table was the best option in his hand.

The dog leaped towards Hephaestus. He jumped to the right, but the dog's right claws managed to tear his sleeve. The dog landed near the door, its huge feet wrecked the wooden floor in one step. Afraid the beast would duck down and smash the table, Dylan crouched out of his hiding place.

Hephaestus was placing his hand on the upper sleeve; blood soaked the torn area and his fingers. He looked at Dylan as he rose to his feet, and he mouthed, "Go away!". As the dog was now far from the stairs, Dylan sprinted towards it. Unfortunately, something hit his back hard; he squealed in pain. He felt something was glued on his back, and sensed that something was quickly making movement to every direction on his back. When he was able to see what that something was, he was made aware that it was the same glutinous object that had covered the door to the receptionist room.

"Dylan!" Hephaestus exclaimed. At the same time Dylan struggled as the glutinous object swiftly blanketed his torso. Eventually he lost his balance and slipped from the second staircases.

Dylan's panic intensified as the glutinous object kept moving like snakes on his body. He deeply wished Hephaestus would hurry to help him, but unfortunately the Smith god was blocking the sharp teeths of the dog with his sledgehammer. Dylan had no choice but to depend on his own strength to extricate himself from the entanglement. Unfortunately, he failed. The glutinous object eventually managed to cover his mouth and eyes.

Staring at pitch dark, Dylan still attempted to free himself. He could feel the hardship of breathing, as the glutinous object pressed his chest tightly. He then began to feel lightheaded, and keeping his eyes peeled felt so heavy.

At that moment when he almost lost his consciousness, something suddenly ripped the bind around his chest, allowing his system to breathe properly again. When he was wondering whether Hephaestus was the one who helped him, the object covering his eyes were also torn, making him realize that it was Athena who had just helped him.

"It's still throbbing, Athena!" Dylan heard the voice of Hera, showing that Voulos did manage to help her speak English.

"Use your dagger, Hera!" Athena exclaimed. She then sprinted towards the dog and somersaulted onto its back.

"Don't move, Dylan," Hera said as a dagger materialized in her grasp. "This is the first time I communicate with you as my true self. Cutting you accidentally is the last thing I want to do."

Dylan nodded, but the movement was limited due to the glutinous object also wrapped around his neck. Hera pierced the part below his neck. The attempt proved successful as not only it stopped throbbing, it also no longer grew. Hera grabbed the part above Dylan's stomach, attempting to rip it. However, all of a sudden the sound of something smashing a surface loudly distracted them. When Dylan looked at where the sound originated, he was made aware that it was Athena who was laying near the blanketed door.

"Athena!" Hephaestus exclaimed. At that time, he was still blocking the beast' jaw using his sledgehammer.

Athena groaned in pain as she tried to rise on her feet. It made Dylan wonder how big the strength of the dog was, that not only its toss wrecked the shelves heavily, the goddess' super endurance also did not fully protect her. Athena finally managed to stand up, and she grabbed her sword and staggered towards the dog. Dylan quickly shifted his focus to Hera and said, "goddess Hera, please just help them."

Dylan King and His New Roommate Called Goddess Athena [1st Book]Where stories live. Discover now