Volume 2 Entry 2

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Jean had read through the first Vl of the journal, the rest of the leather bound book went on about the rest of his teen years, making a name for himself as one of the fearsome thugs in the Underground. Jean set Vl. 1 aside, rubbed his eyes and started on Vl. 2.

Day: 12
Month: April
Year: 854

I learned quickly that when you make a name for yourself, especially as a criminal, thug, gangster, whatever you wanna call it, you tend to make enemies than friends.

By the time I as 20, there were several other "thugs" who tried to "put me in my place", or at least they were trying to scare me. Older men, who would be about Kenny's age. But they soon learned that I wasn't someone they could just toss around. I would ask questions about Kenny but could never get a solid answer. Rumor had it that he was now working for the military police, doing their dirty work.

At this time in my life is when Farlan Church enters the picture. He and his gang weren't really out to "get me" or "teach me some kind of lesson". He wanted to see for himself if the rumors were true. So he and his buddies decided to corner me and challenge me. The look of Farlan's face was stunned amazement, as I took down each one of his thugs....alone. They were all weak, but they were also young too, probably about 18. I felt a pang of sadness, as a turned to walk away, knowing the future they had ahead of them.

As I started to walk away from the bloody affair, I heard someone call after me. "Levi!...hey wait!" It was Farlan. "What do you want...brat?", I said coldly trying to seem friendly in any manner. "That...that was incredible", he said a bit out of breath, "I wanted to see if the rumors were true...and....I want to make you a proposition". I raised my eyebrow, "Proposition?". "Yes!, join me and my gang, and you can be my right hand man, together we can run the underground" Farlan said holding out his hand. I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Sorry but I don't take orders from anyone....especially a kid". Farlan looked stunned. "I'm not a kid ya know...I'm 19, and besides your only what 20-21, hardly an adult yourself". I let out a sign, to be honest there was something in this guy that I really liked, I could see the honesty & trust in his eyes. Haven't seen that kind of look in a while. "Look, get out while you can, go on home back to mom & dad, try to see if you can make it up there" I said glancing at the high cavern ceiling. Again I turned to go.

"I don't have any family", he called out. "Haven't since I was a kid" I turned back around. "Me and the boys put this gang together to survive when we were about 13, petty crimes and stuff, enough to keep us fed".

I was fighting every instinct in me to tell this Farlan guy to scram, but I just couldn't. Something about him just made me want to trust him, even though I had promised to never let myself get close to anyone again. "There's a pub down the street, let's have a drink, and see what we can work out".

So there Farlan and I sat, where as the more he drank the more his story came out. His father had been in a life of crime as well, and I don't think Farlan had been part of the plan. One day when Farlan was about 8 his father was caught up in a rivalry brawl and ended up with a knife in his back. "I can still he my mom screaming in the streets", Farlan looks down at his ale. "She died about 2 years later, they don't know what from, she just got sick and died". I sat silently, I wasn't quiet ready to spill my life story to this person, but I felt a sense of kinship with him, losing our mothers young, fending for ourselves, fighting to survive in this hell hole.

"You know it was my mom's dream to live above the ground, to see the massive walls, marvels of human engineering, to see the blue sky, feel the sun, to have me live a life of honor and all that ya know", he continued on. "My mom wanted me to join the military, and my dad was trying to find a way to forge documents for me to be allowed to enlist. She had heard that if you were the best in your class you got to work for the MPs and live in the capital city in moderate comfort". "I thought maybe I could eventually bring my mother......" he trailed off.

"I've heard the MPs do a lot of dirty work for the King" I told him. Farlan looked at me, "yeah I've started to hear rumors like that too, guess it's not different from what I'm doing now".

"That's true, so here's my proposition to you" I stared him in the eyes. "Come work with me, not for me with me, your pals can help from time to time to make money they need, but they understand that they take orders from me alone, I can guarantee you'll get bigger jobs, make bigger money, & have a bigger reputation, plus food and a place to sleep that's dry". I leaned back in my chair, letting Farlan think things over.

"It's a deal" he said and we shook hands.

I honestly couldn't pinpoint what exactly made me befriend Farlan, but he would be come one of my dearest friends.

-Levi Ackerman

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