Volume 3 Entry 11

44 2 0

Day: 28
Month: May
Year: 854

I remember storming into Erwin's office, furious. I demanded he go to Zachly, to figure out why civilians were sent out to a soldiers job.

Erwin gave me a hard stare, but didn't give me an answer.

Some days I thought I knew what Erwin was thinking, what he was planning. Then other days, he could be a blank slate.

It enraged me yet, I respected him for it. I was drawn to Erwin as a leader. His passion and dedication for the glory of humanity. Even thought I thought all of that was bullsh*t I never disobeyed the order.

So when he told me to drop the matter I did.

With the influx of titans in the outer wall territories we were informed that the enlistment age had dropped from 15 to 12.

First went send civilians, now kids. These kids would be 15 when they would come to us and probably piss themselves first time beyond the walls. Just like 2 of my new recruits did a few years later.

There was one perk with being close to Erwin and being "humanity's strongest" I was allowed to hand pick who I wanted for my squad. After the disaster 2 years ago, I had to be more careful.

One of my first memorable recruits was Eld Ginn. He had been in the survey corps for about a year. I watched him a lot during his cadet days and was pleased to see he join the Survey Corps. I didn't care much for his long hair. But his ODM skills and calm demeanor in high pressure situations made it bearable. He was only 18 when I recruit him, but he was willing to learn.

I liked Eld. He never asked about the rumors of my past, or the budding rumors of me and Hange. The other members of the squad welcomed him with open arms all be it with a bit of friendly hazing.

*Levi sat back and his chair and laughed a bit, remembering the older guys sending him on a wild goose chase looking for tea leaves that didn't exist*

I was impressed in his first time out beyond the walls, he was a member of Elliot squad before he came to me. Unfortunately Captain Elliot lost his life that day. But Eld managed 2 solo titans kills.

He also wasn't one to brag. He sat in the wagon with the bodies as we made our way back to the walls, it looked as if he was saying some kind of prayer or something over them.

That night at dinner, while some recalled their titans kills, Eld sat quietly focusing on his meal.

He was a bit shocked when I asked him to join my squad. Seeing as his squad leader and several other members were dead.

"You sure I'm good enough?" Was his first question.

I told him that was up for him to decided and that I would want his answer the following evening.

He came to my office. His first question was why him. I told him that while he had raw skills as a solider, I admired that he truly saw the sacrifice that his comrades had made, that he truly cared for the humanity of others and not just about how good he was at with a blade.

I then asked him what motivated him to join the Survey Corps, where as number 7 in his class he could have taken the easy route of the MPs.

He said it just didn't sit right in his soul. He told me about his good friend he met in training, Gunther Schultz, who was a refugee of Wall Maria. While trying to evacuate a piece of debris crush his fathers legs, and left him wheel chair bound. Eld told me that after hearing Gunther's sorry the two vowed to join the Survey Corps and free humanity, and in a way avenge his dad.

Upon hearing that I thought back Farlan and Isabel. I made a mental note to see this Gunther guy for myself.

After a spot of tea, Eld agreed to join my squad.

Not only would he become my vice captain, but a dear friend as well.

-Levi Ackerman


That night Levi didn't sleep well. He kept having nightmares, staring a Eld's dead eyes. The blood looked around him, his internal organs hanging out. The anger he felt, the female Titan was so needlessly brutal.

He awoke with a headache. He sat with a cup of coffee that morning. He wondered if his squad was looking down at him disappointed that he had so easily worked with their killer. Granted once the Rumbling was stopped and Eren killed, Levi never spoke to Annie. He had no reason too. I think Annie understood that too. In all the time they have known each other post war, she never once expressed any remorse.

"Everything ok Levi?" Onyonkapon asked setting a plate of eggs and sausage down in front of him.

"Just a late night...thank you for breakfast"

thank you for breakfast"

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