Volume 3 Entry 1

55 2 0

Month: April
Day: 21st
Year: 854

You are probably wondering, why I gave into Erwin Smith so easily. To be honest, I let the Scouts catch me in our chase in the underground.

I need to take you back a few days ago. Before our fateful encounter with the Survey Corps. We encounter a gentleman who clearly wasn't from the Underground, who said he had a job for us and had already paid us an advancement. Initially we refused the job, we had no reason to get involved with military or noble affairs. We just wanted to save enough to live a life on the surface. Honestly I just wanted to open a tea shop.

I had my doubts about this contact and this job, not really wanting to be involved. But Farlan informed me with disbelief in his voice that Yan, a member of our gang, was being treated for his leg  at a first rate hospital on the surface, thanks to our mysterious client. We later learned that was our "advance payment", and looking back was manipulation, basically blackmail. We were just pawns in Nicholas Lovofs game.

Basically Lovof was a ruthless noble, who would stop at nothing to meet his goals, his main one ending the Scouting Legion, & hiding his corruption. During our meeting, standing on the stairs to the surface, he explained that we needed to retrieve documents from a Survey Corps captain named Erwin Smith, and then kill him. Along with getting our friend life saving medical care, upon completion he promised us 3 surface citizenships, and a hefty lump some of money. However, we weren't sure if we would actually under take the job, it all depending if we actually made contact with the targets.

Lovof gave me a brief description of Erwin and who might be with him. I later learned that no matter what Lovof was going to ensure that Erwin and I met.

So when I was on knees, with Erwin's cold blue eyes staring me down. I accepted his offer to join the corps, knowing that was the only way I could get close to him, and secure a life on the surface for the 3 of us. Sometimes I wish I had never met Lovof.

Lovof, who was involved with corruption with the Lang company, was hell bent on bringing down the survey corps and their future commander Erwin Smith. To be honest, if things had not gone as south as they did, I'm not even sure that Lovof would have made good on his part of the deal. He was expecting the 3 of us to not only complete our jobs but knew it would be hard for us to leave the corps, or we would also end up dying as well. Hell he may have killed us himself.

Apparently Erwin had evidence of Lovof and the Lang company's wrong doings, something that would destroy him and the company. He also felt that getting rid of Smith might bring an end to the Survey Corps. I already knew that didn't have the best reputations, especially amongst the wealthy of the surface.

So just like that we were in the Survey Corps, and immediately transferred to surface, to the Survey Corps main head quarters.

Let's just say we didn't get off to a good start. During introductions, I could feel so many angry eyes glaring at me. This is when I also noticed one set of eyes that looked at me more like I was science experiment than an thug. She wore a pale yellow shirt underneath her uniform jacket, and had glasses that looked more like a pair of goggles. I felt a strange comfort at this, knowing at least one person didn't seem to hate the 3 of us. Although I did notice some of the younger males eyeing Isabel. If anyone tried to come after her, they would have me to answer to.

It also didn't help that I nearly got into a fight with my commanding officer, who tried to suggest that since we were from the Underground we must be filthy. Luckily Farlan intervened. It was thanks to Farlan's enthusiastic attitude he put on that we were able to go through the Corps undetected, or so we thought.


***outside the Journal****

There was a soft knock on the door.

Levi put down my pen. "Come in"

It was Gabi Braun, balancing a tea tray with one hand. Her family and Falco's family were living with Levi and Onyonkapon while Libero was being rebuilt. They were living in a country area of Marely with a lot of farm land. The Grice family was starting a farm, and the Brauns were still trying to figure out what to do when they moved back to Libero.

"I've brought some tea for you" she said timidly. Despite fighting in a war together, she seemed to be a bit on edge around me. Levi couldn't blame her. Sometimes, it was hard to be around her, Levi could see so much of Sasha Blaus in her. Despite what people thought, Levi took her death hard. Hange and Levi basically watched her grow from an immature teen to a skilled solider and beautiful young woman, whose life was cut short too soon. Like so many of the comrades who died under his  command. But Levi needs to remind himself that she was just a kid, still a kid, a kid who thought she was doing the right thing. By losing Sasha, Levi had again lost another part of himself.

"The man at the tea shop said this was good for joint pain, and I know your bad leg has been bothering you with all the rain we have been having", Gabi said as she poured the tea.

"Thank you Ms. Braun, I appreciate your thoughtfulness". Levi says taking a sip.

"So, up here writing again?" Gabi asked. "You writing a book or something?"

Levi gazed out the window, "yeah something like that".

"Well I hope I get to read it one day", Gabi said, "if you'll let me".

Gabi started into her own tea cup. She always struggled to make conversation with Mr. Levi. Deep down she knew, that he like the others still held some deep seeded anger for her killing Sasha. Gabi knew there was no way she could ever take back what she did. It was worse after getting to know Mr. Levi, and seeing how he watched her grow as a solider, just as Magath had  with her.

"When the time is right", Levi said quietly.

The two sat in silence, until Gabi's mother's voice broke the silence. "Gabi, please come help me with the wash".

Gabi got up grateful for a reason to leave with out finishing her tea.

"See you at dinner Mr. Levi"


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