Volume 3 Entry 7

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This is going to be a mix of what happens in the OVA and Manga.


Day: 8th
Month: May
Year: 854

We have now come to another life changing moment. I hope this entry will shed some more light on why I followed Erwin Smith loyally. To be honest I'm still not sure completely sure why I did.

My conversation with Hange had been brief, as I needed to try to corner Erwin alone.

Looking back now, I wish I had stayed and talked with her longer.

I was unsuccessful in getting close to him or his room to find the documents needed to complete the job. Frustrated I headed back to my sleeping area. Farlan was still up reading a book. Isabel was out cold. She looked so peaceful, and I was trying to calculate how to keep her safe. She was just a kid.

Farlan picked up on my mood. Reassuring me they would be fine tomorrow and that we needed to focus on the job.

I think I only slept 2 hours that night.

The next day had started clear, but soon the weather took a turn for the worst. I learned from Flagon that with less sunlight, titans were less active. It gave me a somewhat false sense of security.

The rain became heavy and made it hard to see in front on our horses. Which made it easier to for Farlan, Isabel and I to formulate our plan. That day was the last day of the expedition so the time was of the essence. I agreed to split from our squad and go after Erwin alone. The heavy rain would make it easy to corner him but I also wasn't used to heavy rain like this which would make it difficult.

As I split off, I turned back. I saw Farlan and Isabel smiling and waving back at me.

That was the last time I saw them alive.

I got turned around and wasn't successful finding Erwin's team. That's when a I vaguely heard shouting and screaming being carried by the wind. I made a quick turn about, hoping to find my way back to Farlan and Isabel. The rain was heavy and it was stinging against my skin, soaking my clothes. I felt heavy, and had a panic in my stomach.

I kept telling myself that Farlan and Isabel were more than capable, but then again, this was one of the first times they had dealt with such heavy rain.

Suddenly, my horse slipped on something. Throwing me off her back. I slid forward in the mud. I was disoriented from the sudden fall. But I knew I had found my squad or a squad, based on the shouts of orders.

What I witnessed will stay with me forever.

There were two titans about 3 meters tall, and one that was 5 meters tall, with Shaggy black hair.

I looked up to see Flagon trying to coordinate an attack, but being snatched up by one of the Titan.

I heard my name being screamed. I looked to see Isabel taking on a Titan. She had become entangled in her wires with the ODM hooks on the titan's back.

Before I can act. The largest of the titans, saw Isabel was trapped. She was desperately trying to free herself.

She turned her head to me. She screamed out my name but was cut off, as the Titan crushed into the other titans back.

I was frozen. One of the first times in my life I was truly frozen with fear. I felt something roll into my feet.

It was Isabel's severed head. Her eyes looking empty, a panicked look forever etched on her face.

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