Volume 3 Entry 4

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*I don't remember minor details from No Regrets so I apologize if I get something wrong*

Armin rubbed his eyes. It was getting late. He stretch and decided to make a cup of tea before reading the last entry for the evening.

He was surprised to find Jean in the kitchen in the home they shared with Connie.

"Just now getting home Jean" Armin said.

"Yeah, hope we didn't make too much a racket, it was hard keeping Connie quiet".

"His drinking is getting worse isn't it?" Armin asked.

Jean silently nodded. "He drinks then cries about Sasha, or his family, then talks of revenge, I don't know how to help him"

"Just don't let him in a room alone with Gabi, or Reiner". Armin said.

"Maybe he is beyond help" Jean muttered.

"Oh by the way I'm done with the 4th volume of the Captains journal"

"I'll get it from you tomorrow" Jean said, "I'm tired"

Armin took his tea, sat back down at his desk, and started the next entry.

Day: 4th
Month: May
Year: 854

This next part of my life would soon become one of the many hard moments of loss for me. Each time I blame myself. I carry the weight of the dead with me, and it's heavy. Even now I see their faces in my dreams.

Her severed head....his crushed body.....her bleeding from her abdomen....a charred body...

All of their blood is on my hands.

I guess I should pick up where I left off. I failed at getting Farlan and Isabel at staying behind the safety of the walls.

So the next morning, we set off. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, yet excited. I had never been outside the walls and had only been above the underground for a few weeks. Seeing open land made my heart race. Yet I had never seen a Titan either, nor seen how a Titan can kill.

But I've heard the stories.

Before the gates of Wall Maria opened, I gripped the reins of my horse, in my mind was thinking on how to get Erwin alone, how to keep Farlan and Isabel safe, and how to get those documents to our client.

Then everything faded away as the gates began to open. Kids in the streets looked on with awe as we rode out as one.

I was nearly blinded by radiant sunlight, it was warm on my skin, I felt the breeze on my face blowing through my hair, the vast blue sky, the endless land.

It felt like true freedom. I look to see Isabel, with the biggest smile on her face. To be honest, her and Farlan were the only Scouts I saw with a smile on their face. The rest were grim, keeping alert, some with their smoke guns at the ready.

I took in a deep breath, the fresh air felt good in my lungs, compared to the staleness of the underground.

Soon we broke into our scouting formation. We followed Flagon ,our squad leader, and veered left. Erwin led his squad straight ahead.

It's hard to describe what it's like, encountering a Titan for the first time. But to those reading this, you know that feeling all too well. Funny story, the first time Petra and Oluo faced titans, they pissed themselves. I'm sure when I see them again, I'll get a good scolding from both of them.

Soon a smoke flare went off, Titans were heading our way. This was it. I steadied myself.

Then we heard a loud rumbling, and out of the trees came the titans. Huge, humanoid creatures. They had disfigured faces, and were nude.

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