Volume 2 Entry 3

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Preface: Armin rubbed his eyes, he was half way through the 2nd volume of Levi's journals he left behind. After he finished he would pass it on to Jean. Both were fascinated to get the in-depth look into Levi's life, and they definitely had a whole new level of respect and empathy for their late Captain. Armin poured himself another cup of coffee, it was about 10:00pm. He had just finished up an some entries about Levi and Farlan's growing friendship, and how Levi made a name for himself in The Underground.

Day: 14
Month: April
Year: 854

So after a while Farlan and I had established a name for ourselves in the Underground, along with a loyal gang who we made sure were taken care of.

Around this time had to let one of my guys go, we gave him enough money to help him get treatment for his leg that was progressively getting worse. Although there weren't many options here, his best shot would be getting above ground. Just the harsh realities of being stuck in the a sh*thole.

Moving forward, I guess it time to introduce Isabel Magnolia. It all started with a bird. I know a bird in the underground doesn't seem likely, but we have small openings here and there to the outside.

In true Isabel fashion she practically fell through my door, clearly out of breath, and frantically looking for help. I heard footsteps coming quick towards the small apartment, and Farlan managed to get Isabel on her feet. A group of rough looking men showed up at the door a few moments later, demanding we hand over the girl. She looked young, not even in her 20s yet.  They say she tried to sneak past a checkpoint, the ones that are at the exits of the underground. You have to pay a pretty hefty toll to get access to the world above. Farlan and I looked to the young girl knowing what would happen to her if we just turned her in.

After some back and forth, and some threats from me, the men left. It was times like these that making a name for yourself as a ruthless thug paid off.

Farlan got the girl some water, and I immediately began questioning her? I asked why business she had going above ground & why it was so important for her to risk her life. She didn't answer. Farlan quietly asked what her name was, and that's how we learned her name was Isabel Magnolia. Finally after a few moments of silence, she opens up her vest and takes out something wrapped in cloth. She gingerly opened the cloth and a baby bird, obviously injured was laying inside. Isabel had made a makeshift splint for its wing, and explains she was trying to get the bird above ground so it could fly free.

For some reason that struck a nerve with me, and an overwhelming sense of empathy came over me. She was willing to risk her life over something so simple, as a bird.

As the hours passed Farlan and I learn that she has no family, she said that they were probably all dead, and that she had been on her own since she was 12, doing what she could to stay alive. I shuddered, thinking back to my mother, hoping Isabel didn't have to take the same path and my mom did. We agreed to let Isabel stay a few days with us.

The next morning, as Isabel tended to her bird, she blurts out that she has no where to go, and that she fled her because she knew of our reputation. She wants to "join our gang" as she put it. Immediately Farlan and I both were against the idea. Neither one of us wanted to drag someone like Isabel into this life of criminal activity. She was persistent though, she had even heard about the special flying gear that Farlan and I stole from the MPs, ODM gear they called it. She said she wanted to learn to fly free too.

It was something about that statement that I guess flipped a switch in my head. After some discussion, Farlan and I agreed to teacher her to use the ODM gear and to let her join us. Isabel beamed knowing she finally had a place she belonged.

If I could have predicted the future, I wished I would have just said no.

After weeks of ups and downs, Isabel manages the ODM gear pretty well. During this time we pulled off several moderate jobs and used or ODM skills to avoid the MPs on several occasions. Despite all cadets going through tue same ODM training, the MPs don't really use theirs a whole lot, always giving us the advantage. Around this time, Isabel's bird, had just about healed up. She was distressed as to how she was going to "free him from the trappings of this cruel place".

I told her and Farlan to grab their ODM gear and to follow me, bringing the bird in tow. We managed to access an opening in the underground. It wasn't very big, but it was enough to were you could see the blue sky, and feel the warmth of the sun. I use to come here a lot when I needed time alone. Isabel just kept staring at the blue sky, a bit reluctant to let her feathered friend go. I'm not sure if it was just the idea of saying goodbye to a friend or was it a bit of jealousy, knowing she couldn't sprout wings and fly away herself. Eventually she whispered a goodbye to the bird and set him free, we all watched as the bird flew higher and higher, away from the damp and dark reaches of the Underground.

As Isabel kept staring at the sky, she said that one day she would fly away too, experience the blue sky, and the outside world.

In that moment, all I could think about was how to make the dream and reality for all of us.

-Levi Ackerman

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