Volume 2 Entry 6

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SPOILERS AHEAD JUST IN CASE 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

Day: 19th
Month: April
Year: 854

Erwin Smith. A complicated man and one I had a complex friendship with. After reading this entry you may be scratching your head as to why I followed him so loyally to the end.

As I had mentioned earlier, the government above would occasionally send their military police units down to try and quell illegal activities in the underground, but they could never catch us. Farlan, Isabel, and I were unstoppable.

I guess word spread throughout the other branches of the military, and one day, they didn't send the MPs, they sent the Survey Corps.

Not just the Survey Corps, but their absolute best. I could tell something was different about these guys. They handled their ODM gear much more smoothly than those MP idiots. I had a feeling they must be scouts, that branch of the military probably uses their ODM gear the most.

We managed to give chase for a bit, but soon Farlan and Isabel were brought down. I remember being tackled by a tree trunk of a man, and engaging in hand-to-hand with him. He was strong, but I was stronger, I almost had him knifed when he stepped in and my small blade was not match for his much larger one.

I remember his cold blue eyes, and the steeled look on his face. This man was most likely a high ranking officer. Soon they had all 3 of us on our knees, with our hands tied. I refused to play along with their games, and each time I refused, my face would be slammed into a filthy puddle, causing my head to throb and my mind to go crazy at the filth I was being covered in. Even after all these years, I don't think I quite ever forgave Mike for that. The man who had taken me down introduced himself as Erwin Smith, a squad captain from the Survey Corps. I was all too familiar with the Corps, bunch of suicidal b*stards exploring outside the walls, most said you had to be crazy or have a death wish to join them. He talks about all the illegal activities the 3 of us have been involved in, and explains that we could all 3 be spending a lot of time behind bars. On the outside I kept a stoic look, not wanting to show Erwin nor my 2 friends that I was intimidated. Plus the 3 of us were well aware that this was going to happen. But that's for another day.

Apparently word had traveled about my skill level with ODM gear and with hand-to-hand combat. Erwin got eye-level with me, which surprised me, most people from above ground look down on those that live in the underground.

He offered me a deal, the government would look the other way from my previous illicit business and in exchange I...how did he put it "lend my strength to humanity". Choice was simple prison, or the Survey Corps.

I looked to Farlan and Isabel, thinking things over, and weighing our options, and then thinking on the deal the 3 of us has made with a mystery client above ground.

He needs us to steal documents from Erwin Smith, but he wouldn't quite go into detail why. He needed us to get close to him, and I knew the only way to achieve this goal was to become a scout.

I looked him dead in the eye with a scowl on my face, and that day the 3 of us agreed to join the Survey Corps.

At the time I thought I was making the right call and ensuring once this job was done, Isabel, Farlan and myself could finally live a free life above ground. Isabel could see the blue sky. Farlan could meet a nice girl. I could open a tea shop.

I didn't know that I had just signed their death warrants.

-Levi Ackerman

*Levi stopped writing. It was all he could manage for the day. His joints hurt more than they use to, especially on damp rainy days like this. He let out a big sigh and looked out his bedroom window. "Never thought I would be living in Marley", he thought looking at the streets below. Just a few years prior he was here wrecking havoc on the city. He swallowed the lump in his throat, he knew how important it was to write out his story, but it was like opening fresh wounds every time he wrote about friends and comrades he had lost. He couldn't get their dead faces out of his head some nights. Most nights he would wake up crying out for Hange, feeling for her, and would
be reminded by the empty side of the bed, that she was no longer there.

He looked out the window again. "Hange, if there was anything good coming out of me joining the corps is was because I got to meet you". He said as he felt the tears come on.

There was a knock at the door. "Levi....dinner's ready". It was Onyonkapon, who he had been living with since the end of the Titan era.

"I'll be there in a few", he close the journal and put it in the lock box, he grab his cane, and walked towards the door, letting his hand brush over the one of the few photographs he had of Hange.

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