Volume 2 Entry 5

61 3 2

Day: 18th
Month: April
Year: 854

You are probably wondering, have I ever killed someone before joining the corps?

Yes, several people.

But in my own twisted way I justified each and everyone of those deaths. However 2 stick out my mind from my time in the underground.

As I have mentioned in my previous entries, I wrote how Isabel had become somewhat of a younger sister. I've grown quiet protective of her.

I wish I had told her and Farlan both how much they truly meant to me. But after Kenny left me and my only other friend died, the lady who introduced me to the joy of of a nice cup of tea. I tried to not let myself get to close to anyone.

Isabel had gone out one day, can't remember where, but she had been gone a pretty long time and both Farlan and I began to worry. I was just about to suggest we go looking for her, worried that she might have gotten herself into some trouble, wouldn't have been the first time, when she came storming in. She was filthy, clothes torn, and one of her pig tails had be cut short.

Farlan looked at her shocked, and the snickered a bit, making a joke about Isabel's hair being lopsided. I glared at Farlan, but he didn't seem to notice. I was a bit surprised Isabel didn't attack him. Instead she fought back angry tears, stormed into her room and slammed the door.

It didn't take me long to figure out who had attacked Isabel.

Peter and Jameson, two young thugs who seemed to have it out for me and anyone associated with me. I guess their anger came from a mix of jealous and frustration when I refused to get the ODM gear off the black market. Since then they have been causing trouble for me and my 2 friends. They have learned not to mess with me or Farlan, but seeing how Isabel was closer to their age, and a woman. Despite her small stature Isabel was not one to be trifled with, but I can imagine she was caught off guard, and that the 2 assailants hadn't acted alone.

It was one thing that she was roughed up, that didn't bother her, but she did take pride in her some what long reddish hair, and cutting that probably hurt her more than anything.

So without saying a word, I one knife in my pocket and slipped the other knife under my sleeve, and headed out.

It didn't take me long too find Peter and Jameson, outside one of the pubs in a more seedier part of the underground, if that's possible.

"Oi look here comes Levi now", Jameson said slurring his words a bit. "Come to fight poor Izzy's battles for her?". He laughed, the 2 men were surround by their gang, which I guess gave them a false since of confidence. But I did notice the scratches and a growing black eye on Peter's face. I laughed to myself, Isabel always fights back.

I stayed silent, waiting for the right time to strike.

"She needs to learn her place. This is a man's world, she's better off at one of the brothels" Peter said making a disgusting gesture with his hips.

"That fiery attitude of hers would make her a wild one eh", Peter continued, his cohorts behind him laughed in agreement.

"Say...." Said Jameson leaning close to my face. He reeked of whisky, and his hair was filthy. "Your mother....she was a wh*re wasn't she".

I took a deep breath. "Too bad she's dead, would've like to have my fun with her. Seems like everyone in the underground did", he said, and he made the mistake of putting his hand on my shoulder.

It was like a lighting strike, the blade slipping out of my sleeve, sharp enough to slice off 3 of Jamesons fingers.

He recoiled and howled in pain. Holding up his hand that now contained 3 bloody stumps and 2 fingers.

"Don't put your filthy hands on me", I said.

"You f*cking b*stard!!!! I'll kill ya", Jameson screamed as the men gathered for a fight.

One of the brutes came lunging at me with a giant fist aiming for my face. I caught his hand and with a sharp turn felt satisfied as I heard the snap of his wrist breaking. Shoving him aside, 2 more came at me, I ducked down low and in his drunken state the first man tripped over me, the second knife ready came lunging at me, I was faster. Stabbing the blade deep into his chest, twisting, and then pushing back and he tumbled in the group. By the point some of them began to run.

Peter screamed after them. "You bunch of cowards!!!!"

While he was distracted, it took me no time at all to get behind him and cut his throat, he looked at me with shock and horror as he unsuccessfully tried to stop the blood from pouring out. Jameson turned to run. He didn't get 2 feet from me when I threw my knife and caught him in the back.

I stepped over Peter who was an inch from death, and walked over to wear Jameson laid.

I pulled my knife out of his back, listening to his wheezing gurgling breath. I knew he would die from blood loss, but I wanted to be sure, so instead of cutting his throat, I cut both his wrists deep, so that he would die in agony.

By now you probably think I'm a sadist, who knows maybe I was back then, I didn't really have the same value for human life as I do now.

I left the scene, when you have enough notoriety, people tend to leave you alone for the most part.

I walked back in the door of our apartment, and cleaned my blade.

"You killed them didn't you".

I didn't say anything, just went to the bathroom to clean up the mess.

Isabel ended up cutting her hair to make her pigtails even. I told her it made her look more mature, which I think lifted her spirits.

We didn't speak about the incident after that week. News traveled around the underground fast, but no one dared to mess with the 3 of us.

That is until the Survey Corps made their way into the underground.

-Levi Ackerman


Armin finished the entry, feeling a bit queasy. "Holy sh*t, I knew the captain had a past but..." he trailed off & jumped when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in" Falco opened the door. "Mr. Arlert, mails come in from Paradis, you have a letter from Ms. Ackerman" he said handing him an envelope. "Falco I've told you just call me Armin".

"Right right", Falco looked at Armin, "are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine, just reading the journals Levi left behind".

"Something tells me that man carried many secrets and burdens with him"

"That he did Falco, that he did"

Levi's Journal On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara