3. new guest and entitled people

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Crow and a brown cat with green eyes were fighting while a suit cat also with green eyes was trying to pull the brown cat back.

A small blonde kitten with green eyes was headbutted and loveing on sky.

There was also a long gray hair cat who was also next to sky and they were laying on their back and were laughing sorta.

" hey! Where did y'all come from?"

You say getting all of their attention kuu and rose ran up to you with their ribbon crooked. The small blonde kitten followed after them.

You squat down and fix their ribbon after your done the blonde kitten sits down in front of you.

" do you want one too."

The kitten mowed running to pick up a light pink ribbon, so you tie theirs with a bow in the back.

" There you go."

The brown cat stopped fighting crow and walked around looking at all of the ribbon before deciding on a white ribbon with two red stripes, you tie their with a flat bow in the front.

The brown cat ran back to crow to show him before going to the suit cat who was now on the window seat.

You sit down and put all the ribbon back in the drawer before sitting back down and going back to your panting.

The gray cat hopped up onto your lap before curling up and watching you paint.

" you need a name, what am I going to call you?"

Looking down at the cat in your lap talking in all the details they were very fluffy and had ear tufts.

" Sphinx?"

Sphinx let out a meow before the small blonde kitten pawed at your leg.

" you can be lady."

Lady ran back to sky as crow hop on the window seat only to be hissed at the suit cat.

" you are tux."

Tux liked the name before glaring at crow who was glancing at them before going back to watching you paint.

The brown cat put their front paws on your leg so you reached down and pet them only for a cloud of dirt to form.

" oh! You need a bath."

You Gently pick up sphinx and put them on the floor before picking up the brown cat off the floor and walk down the hall to the bathroom.

Crow and the other cats followed you and walked in just as you were turning on the water and the heater before you grab some towels.

After the water is warm you put the brown cat in the tub and started washing the dirt off to reveal a dark red fur, Taking the toothbrush to wash off the dirt off their face.

" you are the same color as a ruby."

They looked happy with the compliment. You wrap them in a towel before checking their gender only to for ruby to hiss and swating at you.

So you just put them down and before you could scold them there was a knock at the front door.

" eh?, I'm not expecting anyone."

You standing up and walking to the door to see who it is, looking through the doors peep hole to see that karen down the street holding something you can't fully make out.

You open the door partially to talk to her. The thing she was holding was your pride flag that you had hung in a tree in your front yard.

" is there something I can help you with?"

You ask while blocking the door so your cats don't run off.

" I thought I would let you know that this flew into your yard during the storm last night."

She told you with some venom in her voice.

" oh, thank you? I'll take that and wash it before putting it back up."

You replied not wanting to deal with her before grabbing the flag.

" I can't believe you would bring this Abomination in this nice neighborhood! There are kids here!"

Her whole mood changed as she yelled at you.

" I would love to keep arguing with you but I have more important things to do, so bye!"

You tell her before closing the door and walking off to the laundry room to put it in the washing machine. you take a peak at the time.

' 2: 13'

You walk to the the kitchen and try to figure out what your going to eat before deciding on some noodles, crow gave you a disappointed look.

After you finish eating and cleaning up, you go to the living room to watch some tv.

Crow and sphinx both hoped onto your lap as soon as you sit down on the couch.

You decide to watch a show you friends  recommended to you.

After a few hours or so, you get a  notification on your phone, it was a text from someone.


Hey I saw your art and paintings and I wanted to know if you could make something for me.

Um sure, what do you have in mind?

I want a big painting of me as goddess with a galaxy background and in gold writing I want ' Beauty is power  therefore I am god' in that fancy writing style.

I need it done asap!

Ok a painting like that will cost about 775$

I didn't know I would have to pay


You could not help but chuckle at the stupidity of this person.


Why does it cost so much?

Can't you do it for 140$

It cost that much because of
1. The size of the painting
2.  Supplies
3. All the details you want
4. My time

I'm an influencer what if I post a pic the painting for all my fans

You'll get so many new customers


' Girl, what the fuck'

A/n: thanks for reading

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