7. new cats and demon cat

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You pick up the box and walk back up the hill, keeping a hand under the box to make sure the cats don't fall out.

Lizzie was waiting for you at the top of the hill.

"Are you okay?"

" yah I'm fine."

You move somethings over to put the box in the cart, the purple cat never stops looking at you.

You pull the chart all the way back home, the purple cat and blonde cat would meow every so often and wouldn't stop Intel they had your attention.

You push the cart and opened the back of it and slid everything off of it with lizzie holding the box and the door open for you.

After you got everything inside and the cats out the box and putting it outside.

Crow looked at the new cats before looking at you and biteing onto your coat.

You took off your coat and crow bites your pants leg and pulled on it.

" Lizzie do you think you can move your things to your room?"

" of course!"

Crow kept pulling all the way to your room before letting go and running to sit down on your bed after pawing at your robe.

You getting the message grab it and a change of clothes.

Crow ran back to the living room after seeing you enter the bathroom.

You checked the time before getting into the shower.

' 4:24'

You finish your shower and change into some comfortable sweatpants and a tank top.

You walked out and into your room where crow was sitting on your bed next to the black butler books.

" oh, hello crow."

You say as you use your towel to dry your hair.

Crow looks up at you his eyes slit as he puts a paw on one of the books that had a front cover with the sebastian on it.

You look at the book before looking at crow.

( a/n: If this gets 13 demon cat comments, Sebastian will be the next one to turn human.)

You and crow stare at each other, crow was almost smirking as you muttered.

" so lady was elizabeth, and I'm guessing you sebastian, crow."

Crow let out a meow and nodded his head.

You were about to say something else but there was a knock at your door.

" miss y/n. I'm done, I moved everything into my room."

" that's good, thank you. I'll be there in a second."

You gave cro-I mean sebastian one last glance before you open the door sphinx rushed in and started headbutted your legs but stopped when he saw the black cat on the bed.

You walk down the hall to lizzie's room.

It took you a few hours to get everything out of the box, together and in the right place, lizzie helped as much as she can before getting distracted.

The purple cat would headbut you at every opportunity.

You and lizzie walked to your studio, you put on a movie on your computer and helped her start a lego princess castle.

You put on your apron before you could sit down the purple cat that was sitting with sky and the blonde cat that was with ruby and tux, both came up to you.

" I need to give you guys a name."

A/n: sorry for the short chapter this is all I have time for right now. Thank you for reading.

Name suggests for the new cats:



Prince soma


cat black butler x reader Where stories live. Discover now