Chapter 15

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Smut in this Chapter

After watching the whales leave after they had been moved back into the water, they returned to the bay where Saphira decided to swim in the water. She slid off Megatron's shoulder while he was sitting and ran into the water, gesturing for one of her sparkmates to follow her. Optimus was the first to follow her, and she smiled at him. She dipped her toes into the water and smiled when she felt how warm the water really was. She walked further into the water until Optimus scooped her up into his hands, making her giggle loudly.

"Remember to be careful of the coral, Optimus," Saphira said to him gently as he walked further into the water. "Coral are living animals too, even though they look like plants." That surprised the bot, but he didn't question it. She looked at the water and held up her hand to stop him. "Alright, if you can stop walking and swim now, you will be fine."

Optimus stopped as told and lowered his body carefully into the water. Saphira pushed off him into the water and treads carefully in the water while Optimus lowered into the water. Once in, Saphira smirked slightly when he began to float. It was a little strange to see, given his weight and size, but she was happy that he respected the reef. He smiled at Saphira and she swam over to his shoulder to grab a hold of.

"I think you will like the world under the surface," Saphira said gleefully.

"And you don't need any kind of eye protection?" Optimus asked her curiously and she shakes her head. "Very well. I will not move very fast so you can hold onto my shoulder easily."

She nodded and she felt an engine starting within Optimus's body and noticed it was like a kind of jet. She smiled as she took a deep breath before he dived under the water. Optimus smiled as Saphira held onto his shoulder and he was able to look around. When he saw the reef, his optics widen slightly in awe. The many colours of the reef was not something he expected, and all the different fish that were here swimming around intrigued him.

Saphira smiled as she looked around. She hardly wore goggles while swimming in the ocean, she was used to the salty water in her eyes. That was all thanks to swimming with the orcas with her mother. And she never found it hard to see under the water. She guessed it was simply something she was used to.

Seeing Optimus fascinated with the reef was lovely for her to see. She was glad he remained close enough to the surface so she could take a breath when she ran out of air. She took advantage of that whenever she needed a breath, but she enjoyed the experience, nonetheless. She spotted a few eels hiding under the coral, making her smile. She knew they would stay there given how big Optimus was.

A few minutes pass and she spotted a group of starfish. She smiled and took a breath before she pushed off Optimus's shoulder. He turned his head in her direction in surprise and saw her swimming in a direction. He was surprised when he saw Megatron swimming towards them. It seemed the silver mech decided to join them. Saphira had noticed him too and she was happy to see him.

She grabbed onto a rock carefully as she looked at the starfish. She loved these animals and she reached out her hand to touch them gently. Optimus peered over her shoulder, looking at them curiously. Megatron looked at them curiously as well. She carefully picked one of the starfish up, cupping it in her hand before holding it up. The starfish she held was bright yellow, it stood out from the rest of the starfish. Optimus thought about picking one up, but decided against it. He saw how delicately Saphira picked up the starfish in her hand, and his hands were not exactly the same size. He would worry about damaging the animal.

She placed the creature back where it was so she could get some air and she gave her lungs a bit of a break, treading the water carefully. She flinched when both heads of Optimus and Megatron surface, making her giggle as she watched the water run off their faces. "I am fine, don't worry. I just need to rest my lungs a little bit."

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