Chapter 71

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When the next day came, Saphira woke up. She woke up as she was having an uncomfortable dream. Once where she was sitting alone in a glass box and she was banging on the walls, screaming to be let out. And she could see shadows of people outside, but no one seemed to hear or care that she was in the box. A bright light would glow outside, and stand there. It was unsettling, and when she woke up, she was breathing heavily and sweating. She looked around and saw Megatron's hand was still over her body. She sighed in relief and smiled a little, sitting up slightly and kissing his fingers.

She looked up at his face and saw that Megatron was still in recharge. She wiggled her body from underneath his hand and crawled up to his face, smiling at him lovingly. She could see he was very peaceful, and it seemed he wasn't having a bad dream about her being chased and killed by Galvatron. She placed her hands on his cheeks gently and kissed his lips. She felt his metal lips kiss back and looked up, expecting to see him opening his optics.

He intakes heavily and exhales loudly, she smiled and realized that he simply was reacting to her kiss in his sleep. Most likely he was dreaming. She kissed his cheek gently. 'I think I am the luckiest girl in the world. You and Optimus have given me something that I never though I would have. And I am not talking about love. But I do not know how to describe...but I know I am the luckiest girl in the world.'

She felt tears brimming in her eyes and she carefully slid off Megatron's chassis to the berth. She was lucky that the berths had stairs connected to them so she didn't need to be helped up and down them. She walked down the stairs and looked over at Optimus. She walked over to his berth once she reached the bottom and climb the stairs.

Once she was at the top, she smiled as she gazed over Optimus's recharging body. She knew that he felt the same fear that Megatron felt. After all, Megatron actually shed a tear for what happened the day before. She climbed onto his chassis and she heard Optimus hum gently, making her think he would wake up as she crawled over to face. She planted a kiss on his cheek before kissing his lips. Like Megatron, he would kiss back and she rubbed his cheek gently.

Oh yes...I am definitely world turned upside down a long time ago, and I don't think I could ever live like a normal person again. Not while you are beside me and protecting me.

She kissed his cheek again and slipped off his chassis, sighing deeply and walking back down the stairs. She would stay to be there when they wake up, but she left to head into the nursery to check on her daughters. She quietly walked into the room and made her way to their bassinets. She was happy that she would still be able to communicate with them through the bond, as it would be difficult otherwise.

She stood between the two bassinets, looking at each other her daughters. She was so happy with both girls. Despite being so young, she was still very proud of them. She could only hope that as they get older that they would be as wise as their fathers are. She did notice that both girls needed a diaper change as she checked both of them. She decided to do that for them while they slept.

She picked up Calytrix first, cradling her gently her arms as the sparkling murmured and hugged her plush orca tightly. Saphira carried the girl over to the change table to begin changing her. Saphira felt as thought she needed a distraction from the dream she had that night. If anything, while it was terrifying, thinking back on felt like how she was feeling about herself. Trapped. Even with all the reassurances and love from everyone, she did feel somewhat trapped in her own self. And it was a horrible feeling.

Still, the dream was not just like a mirror of what she was feeling. It felt like another vision. But one that was different to the others. And she had yet to make sense of it. She didn't know if she was just overthinking it or not, but it was possible that what she had dreamed about wasn't an ordinary dream. But something else. She could only assume that might meditating, she might be able to find out.

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