Chapter 27

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Megatron and Saphira returned to base with Optimus, Ratchet and Bulkhead after Megatron explained what had happened. He didn't go into details on what Saphira had told him, only that she managed to cheer him up. And he didn't even know the avalanche was happening until Saphira pointed it out to him, and luckily it was in time too. They both had no idea Mech had been in the area. And likely, they might not have been since they now have robots that could fly. Because of that, Optimus doubled down on his efforts to decode the location of the next Iacon relic.

Saphira clung to Megatron for a few hours as well. She had been shaken enough that she felt safe only when she was with one of her sparkmates. And as Optimus was busy decoding the next Iacon relic location, that pretty much left Megatron comforting Saphira. She was having a lot of thoughts about Mech at the moment, and none of them were pleasant. Megatron did give enough detail to Ratchet so they knew what these robots looked like. It was bothersome to Megatron they were like the vehicons, but as they would be easy to identify with no badge, or Mech creates their own badge, that at least meant when they face Mech next time they won't have any issue fighting them

Knockout and Breakdown did emerge from their berth room as well. They noticed that Saphira was shaken, and when they were told the reason, they were shocked. While they both had been upset about losing their adopted sparkling due to Megatron, they have accepted that his remorse and apology were sincere, even if they were still hurting. It explained a lot as to why they were excited about being uncles to the sparklings. And Saphira intended on letting them be involved.

"It is too bad you weren't able to get a proper scan of the robots, Megatron," Ratchet said as he gazed at the design of the robots on the monitor. "I know you were busy protecting Saphira, though it will certainly help us."

"It seems to me they still have a lot to work on," Megatron said calmly, caressing Saphira's back as he held her against his chassis with her head resting on it silently. "Two of the bots slammed into the ground, and seemed to lose control and didn't pull up in time."

"I suppose that could be a good thing...I imagine these robots are more test subjects for them. Still...this means they've managed to replicate t-cogs in order for their robots to transform that way..." Ratchet tapped his fingers on the side of the console, frowning at the monitor. "These humans really are getting under my metal skin."

"Maybe you shoulder give yourself some weapons again," Megatron suggests. Ratchet glanced at him with a surprised expression. "I think that would be ideal in case you need to face Mech, and I think you will at some point."

Ratchet shakes his head with a scoff. "I have no interest in installing any weapons aside from my torch and my swords. They are all the weapons I need. I understand that your spark is in the right place, but I am medic..."

"So am I," Knockout interrupts, making Ratchet look at him with a frown. "The fact is, Breakdown and I were taken down together by that Nemesis Prime. And I didn't have any fire weapon on me. I had the rod, but it's for close combat only. I will be giving my right arm an upgrade for the reason of being able to at least fire back at the Mech robots, even while fleeing from any fight that might be deemed lost."

"Look, I understand the is just..." Ratchet glanced at Saphira, noticing she was not really paying attention. The worry and fear on her face was very clear. "I haven't been in the fighting field for a long time. I may consider something, but for the moment, I am happy with the weapons I have."

"We don't need to push the doc for stuff like that," Bulkhead said gently, smiling at Knockout as he knew that the con was concerned. "I suppose at least we have the answer that Mech has more robots out there. At least they are not imposters...yet..." He didn't like the idea of having to face a robot that looked like him. Facing Nemesis Prime was enough for him.

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