Chapter 62

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When the next morning came, Saphira woke up feeling rather well rested. She was surprised as she slowly opened her eyes, expecting to hear the cries from her daughters. However, after she stretched out her limbs and yawned loudly, Saphira glanced at the time and saw it was midmorning. She was shocked! She slept in! Saphira sat up in shock and glanced at the berths, noticing that they were empty. And yet, she was sensing a heap of excitement from both her sparkmates and twins. She was curious as to why. She threw off the blankets and stood up to head to the nursery quickly, not even caring if her hair was a mess.

She stomped out of the room and into the nursery, stopping only to see both of her sparkmates, along with Knockout, Ratchet and Breakdown, in the nursery. She widened her eyes before smiling. Calytrix and Stellaxy were laughing loudly as Knockout and Breakdown were giving them piggyback rides and they were racing around the room. Knockout had Calytrix on his shoulders, and and Breakdown had Stellaxy. They didn't notice Saphira straight away, though it took a minute before Optimus noticed her.

He smiled and walked towards her, understanding that she had woken up in surprise. Saphira looked up at him as he dropped to his knee and lowered his hand to her. "Good morning, little moon. How are you feeling? I am sure it is a surprise to wake up feeling well rested."

Saphira nodded as she sat in his palm while Optimus stood back and moved her to his shoulder. "I was surprised, for sure. I never expected to wake up and find that I was able to sleep in. And I thought something might have been wrong, but I see that Calytrix and Stellaxy is having a grand time with their uncles."

Optimus nodded in agreement. "Calytrix woke up first...she surprised me this morning. I was deep in thought as I was thinking about last night. After attempting to take down Galvatron...we discovered a few new things, and numerous humans lost their lives last night."

Saphira listened to him and placed her hand on his cheek gently. "What new things, exactly?"

Optimus intakes heavily and looked at the two cons who were still racing each other with the twins on their shoulders. "We are not sure...and unfortunately Fowler was injured in the attack. He will make a full recovery."

"That's a relief to hear," Saphira said happily. She did wonder if he was avoiding telling her, but she was not sure. She wasn't going to push though. "And how did Calytrix surprise you?"

Optimus smirked and looked at her. "I think you already know." Saphira raised an eyebrow and Optimus's smirk widened and he kissed her cheek gently. "She's speaking through the bond."

"Ooohhhh!" Saphira giggled as she realized what he meant by surprise. "Yes, she started talking to me through the bond last night. I was just as surprised as you, believe me. But...she has the sweetest, cutest voice! I haven't heard Stellaxy yet...but..."

"She's shyer than Calytrix," Megatron interrupts gently with a purr. "She has spoken to me...briefly...she babbles, mostly...but I think she is shy. Stellaxy is a little scared about the world she's in, I guess." He shrugged a little as he gazed at the cons with their daughters. "She only called me dadda and you mama, with a few other words that were meddled together. But she's trying."

Saphira smiled and looked over to Knockout and Breakdown. It seemed they tied and they were all laughing together. "Knockout and Breakdown are having a lot of fun."

"Yes, they are..." Optimus nodded in agreement. "Believe it or not, Knockout and Breakdown are thinking of having a sparkling."

Saphira looked at them curiously. "I thought neither one could."

"True...but..." Optimus smiled a little as he thought about it. "Knockout went to one of the medical facilities on Cybertron last night. Apparently, it is one of the major centers where donated parts are stored. He found a gestational chamber that was healthy, and he plans to have the surgery to have it implanted."

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