Chapter 52

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Everything was a blur at the moment for Saphira. She had been carried into med bay of the autobot base and placed onto a gurney. Ratchet removed her torn clothes as they were still drenched on icy water and had June put a robe on her so he could wash his wrists and chassis of the blood that had covered his casings. When Saphira was decent enough, she was hooked up to another IV, oxygen tank, heart monitor and June grabbed the ultrasound to see just how far along Saphira really was. Saphira did get upset when Starscream's signal system was taken from her as Ratchet and June needed to check her over thoroughly and quickly.

Fowler stood by watching with worry after ensuring the children remained out of the med bay. Jack and Raf understood, while Miko desperately wanted to help. But this was not something that the girl should be seeing. He was extremely worried for Saphira. Now that he could see her, he already could tell she was underweight, malnourished and she seemed to be in labor. He hoped that it wasn't the case, but Ratchet had the incubators ready in the med bay if needed.

June looked at the screen as she held the wand to Saphira's stomach. "She is definitely in labor, Ratchet," June said in a calm, yet worried tone. "I can see the muscles contracting and shifting the first sparkling downward. But..." June moved her gloved hand down to feel between Saphira's legs. "She has not dilated enough...the sparklings will split her if I don't do something."

"There isn't any way we could stop this?" Ratchet asked the woman in a worried tone. "And what could have caused it?"

"I would say the combination of stress, lack of nutrition and, by the looks of the bruise on her right side, she must have had something hit her and that seemed to cause her body to begin labor," June explained as she continued moving the wand around. "Her water hasn't broken either..." She turned off the ultrasound to put the wand up and changed her gloves quickly before grabbing a trolley full of medicines. "I am going to help her along."

"Will she even be able to do it in this state?" William asked the woman worryingly. "She looks so weak..."

"I am afraid if she does not give birth today, we will lose all three of them!" The woman responded bluntly without looking at any of them. She grabbed out a few vials and began filling syringes. "A c-section will need to be a last resort. Saphira's body might be under strain, and it might seem that would help, but it would most definitely do the opposite. Saphira needs to give birth naturally to save her life."

Ratchet's mind had a hard time processing this whole thing. He knew it was serious. He didn't realize it was that serious or life threatening. "Right...I will get the incubators ready." He glanced at Fowler. "I need you to reach Optimus and try to reach Megatron. Both of them need to be here. She will need them. And get Knockout as well, we are going to need all hands for this."

"Understood." Fowler glanced at Saphira as she gazed at him weakly, and he smiled kindly at her. "You are safe now, Saphira. I will be back with your sparkmates."

The man ran out of the med bay into the lobby and over to the com link. He had a look of determination as he ran out of the med bay. He was happy Saphira was here, but she was far from out of danger. Whatever Mech has done to her to push her to this point is simply unforgivable. He hoped the com link would not be blocked by Mech's communication blocker so he could reach Optimus and Megatron.

"Fowler..." Jack ran over to the man as Fowler reached the console. "Is...uhh...will she be okay?"

Fowler sighed and looked at Jack sadly, glancing at Miko and Raf who had run over to listen as well. "She is not out of the woods yet. She has give birth prematurely to save her life, and the life of the sparklings..." Jack glanced at towards the med bay worryingly. "Perhaps you can help me. I need to reach Knockout, Prime and Megatron, if you can open a separate channel while I open one, we can reach more of them together."

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