7 | ʜᴇʀ ʟᴏɴᴇʟʏ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ

420 14 57

Warnings: swearing (kinda lmao you'll see)

Word count: 1345

☆-----...•ʜᴇʀ ʟᴏɴᴇʟʏ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ•...-----☆

"The sports festival is coming soon," Aizawa-sensei says, an afterthought trailing away at the end of the morning's announcements.

The rest of the class audibly gasps. In sync. It's like something out of a bad sitcom. I yawn.

"UA's sports festival!" Midoriya exclaims. "It's the most famous nationwide event in Japan, replacing the Olympics as Quirks became prominent!"

What a load of pressure to put on highschool children.

"Every year, people flock to Musutafu to watch in person! It's especially important for students because it's a huge opportunity to get scouted by a Hero agency and earn yourself some real experience!"

What a nuisance.

"Aa, this is so cool!" Midoriya finishes.

"Thanks kid, you saved me some explaining," Aizawa monotones, expression invisible behind his facefull of bandages. 1A had initially freaked out over his appearance, wondering if our sensei should really be teaching. He waved away their concerns.

Something like Pros are used to it, right...

"True, it is "cool," Midoriya!" Iida declares, standing up and attempting to cut the air with his hands. "But the Sports Festival is not just a fun school activity. It's our first chance to get into the world of Pros!"

I glance at Aizawa-sensei's bandaged head. Remind me why they're all still so desperate to be a part of your world? I think. Oh. Now that's gonna be stuck in my head...

"Which means!" Iida continues. By Luna. That kid could rival All Exclamation Might. "We mustn't slack off before the festival. In fact, we have to train harder than ever before!" He assumes an action-anime-worthy pose. "It's times like these when our school motto is most fitting!"

Ocha-chan and Midoriya jump out of their seats too. "GO BEYOND!" They call. The rest of the class follows their lead, a tiny bit less enthusiastic. "Plus Ultra!!!"

I mutter the phrase along with them. Aizawa-sensei looks at me. "One more thing. Depending on the results of the sports festival, the principal will consider moving the students in each class around. And a word of advice." He sighs. "You don't have the greatest reputation with the rest of the school at the moment. Especially you two, Hoshizora, Bakugo."

I blink, distracted by the song running through my head.

Maybe he's right.. maybe there's something the matter with me...

"So watch how you conduct yourselves."

The tune changes. Something closer to my heart.

that child, the moon-child said
"where are you?"
"sun-child, oh sun-child, where are you?"

Rei's brown eyes flash, and to my frustration fade into Todoroki junior's. I can feel his, burning cold above the thin pale strand of green that snaps into being.

and everything goes quietly...

go quietly.

Go quietly, Ukizuki. Don't hurt anyone.

Part of their world? I never wanted that.

Wandering free, wish I could be...


𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ☆ ᴀ 𝙼𝙷𝙰 𝙾𝙲 sᴛᴏʀʏWhere stories live. Discover now