16 | ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙɪɴᴅs ᴜs

140 8 47

Warnings: Swearing

Word Count: 1117

☆-----...•ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙɪɴᴅs ᴜs•...-----☆

Our story, once again, starts with someone who is not Ukizuki.

Our story, once again, starts with the person Miracuity called. The person standing next to Toga, blowing a bubble of blueberry bubblegum as she checks out her surroundings.

Our story starts with Kocho.

"I suppose you're here because of the Hero Killer too," Shigaraki directs at the girl.

Kocho shrugs. "Stain? That crusty mo'fucker? Nah, just didn't hear about the League until this chick did." She jabs a thumb at Toga.

Shigaraki huffs in disgust and storms off. Kurogiri clears his throat, steps forward. "Thank you for your interest in the League of Villains. Your applications will be reviewed. Please don't be put off by this one's behaviour; we'd greatly appreciate assistance."

Kocho waves her hand lazily. "Yeah, I'm not really down to be part of the League per se. I was just proposing my help, should you ever need it." She scratches her cheek. "I'd expect the same back. Like an alliance." She yawns, turns back to the entrance, and leaves quietly.

The same way she did six years ago.


"Oooh, this place is huge!" Hagakure declares, an invisible hand landing on my arm. "Really lives up to its 'one-stop place for all your needs' claim, huh?"

"Mm-hmm," I agree, only half listening as I scan the area. I don't think a lot of the things on our to-pack are necessary, in either day-to-day life or, really, for the trip. So I have a lot of shopping to do. And in order to make the most out of my time, I should plan out a loop that requires no doubling back...

Ah, but I get lost easily.

"Want to go through stores together, Hagakure?" I ask.

She agrees, and so on we go. We're deep in a clothing shop, burdened with bags full of requirements (and random objects that have caught Hagakure's eye), when I hold up a pink crop shirt, frills weaved around the bottom, and denim shorts. "These would suit you."

"What's there to suit?" asks the invisible girl wryly.

"Your personality."

It's not me who says it, though it's along the lines of my thoughts, but a hooded man leaning against a mirror, oddly careful to only let four of his fingers touch it. He drops the green jumper he's holding on the floor, sticks his hands in his pocket as he ambles towards us.

"Hello, Hagakure, Hoshizora," says the man with blue hair.


A few days later, the class bus rumbles along the gravelly road to the lodge. 1A chatters around me, the sound forcing itself into my ears and in front of my eyes: Iida's sharp indigo, Mina's pink streamers, Midoriya's bubbly pastels.

I can't even hear what Aizawa-sensei is saying over the gossip, the everyday woes and whispers that pass from classmate to classmate.

"..Heroes are great!" I catch from Midoriya. "The one shining beam of hope for humanity...!"

I snort, apparently loudly enough to be heard over everyone else. Midoriya blinks at me.

"What, uh, what was that for, Hoshizora-sama-san?" he asks nervously. He's too fragile to be here, honestly...

"Not everyone has the same worldview as you, Midoriya," I tell him flatly, "and it would be a horrible, boring, pointless life for us all if they did."

There's a pause, a small bubble of silence between the two of us in the loud bus. He turns a bit in his seat, stares straight at me, and asks, "What motivates you, Hoshizora?"

He leaves out the sama this time.

Good. I never liked it.

In response, I do nothing but shake my head and look out the window, thoughts buzzing through my head as they always do. "Until you understand the difference between an eiyuu and a Hero, you will never understand my motivations."

I can feel Midoriya's confusion from the other side of the aisle. "Don't they mean the same thing...?

One means the institutionalised "shining beams of hope" of society.

The other, to me at least, means any person willing to do the right thing. To help others, even if it's not beneficial for them.

Midoriya can't see that.

He's one of the kids who grew up in love with Heroes, with the flashy moves and flashier smiles.

I grew up in a world that taught me Heroes only save the day.

They're not around for the night.

...No, it's not quite as simple as that. Heroes save the masses, but they don't see the individual lost souls in desperate need of help. They don't help those they deem "villains". Even when those same "villains" are just unlucky, unhappy individuals with broken hearts.

I've been looking further into Stain since the internships, digging for anything that could help me piece together the puzzle that is currently Iida. That's the thing about me: I like to know everything. It's the only way to properly predict others. And that's the only way I'll ever be able to understand the world around me.

His ideology of removing unworthy Heroes isn't a bad one. It's exaggerated, sure, and his means are inappropriate, but if I changed the words a little I'd quickly find myself agreeing with the Hero Killer.

Those who cause more harm than help don't deserve the title of Hero.

I gaze out the window at the fields and forests rolling by, head on my hand. Our world is flawed, and by rights, so is all within it.

I want to save everyone.

Just not as a Hero.

That's the reason I haven't resigned from the Hero course, I suppose. After my dads and sister tricked me into participating in the recommendation trials, letting me think it was for simply the general course, I got so angry and ran so hard to catch up to them I finished the race in first.

By the skies, why did they make me do it?

...what did we do?

I've been telling myself I've stayed here because I didn't want to disappoint my family.

I've been telling the world I never wanted to be a Hero.

Both are true, but not the truth.

I never wanted the job because it would allow me to use my Quirk freely. But I want to save people in this life where everything condemns them to a darker fate.

What is right? What is wrong?

I am but a grey child of reason under the distant stars.

Stain's ideology is sure to inspire many. He is right, he is wrong, he is everything the world wants and fears. I wonder how many weak minds and strong hearts he's swayed.

With that thought, the bus sways to a stop.

I wrote this chapter in two days and I'm?? so confused as to how??? That's super fast (for me at least). Sorry about the cliffhangers I left you guys with-- one won't be resolved until the arc after next, and the other... well...won't be resolved until the war- DON'T HATE ME- it'll be worth it promise

Next time on Lunar Night: A forest walk, Quirk theories, and pasta...

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