Chapter one | Valia

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YEAR: 620 C.E


Guards rushed to her chambers, but no one could enter. Something blocked the doors. The temperature of the air around them grew warmer by the minute. Her screams grew loud then everything had gone silent. "Princess?" Said one of the guards closest to the door but there was no response. There was a movement that could be heard but she did not respond.

"Get The Queen." Shouted another.

A few guards run down the hall toward The Queen's chambers. One lone guard stepped forth, turning to his side, and he started to bang his body against the door repeatedly. He grunted as he did. More joined him in the task. The door opened suddenly, and they fell to the ground. The sight of the princess appeared to be something they would only see in their nightmares. Her nightgown had been covered in blood. The princess's face remained emotionless as blood dripped from her scarred eye. Her right arm was covered in blood. The guards started to stand up but none of them approached her as she walked past them. "Princess?"

She halted in her steps as The Queen turned the corner, the royal doctor following right behind her. "Mother." The princess tasted metal in her mouth as blood found its way onto her lips. She threw her a wicked grin.

"I almost got it out this time." Said the princess as she lifted her hand showing her a glass shard. Her mother looked on in horror as did the guards. A voice whispered harshly against her ear, making her good eye twitch.

"Seize her." That had been the only thing The Queen said before she turned around leaving the princess with the doctor and guards.

The princess dropped the glass shard as the doctor took cautious steps toward her. Her body warmed up as her anger festered inside.

"Why do you hurt yourself, Princess?" The doctor reached for something in his pocket and guards closed in around her, pushing her toward him. She glared around at them. Their faces showed no emotion as she did.

"It's not as bad as you would think, Sir Gareth. Would you like for me to demonstrate it to you?" Her lips curled into a smirk before they fell weakly as a guard roughly grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back.

She struggled to set herself free from their grip on her. Her body thrashed violently against theirs. "I would not like that very much, Princess Valia." Sir Gareth met her harsh stare, and he brushed her hair out of her face.

"Nor would your mother." He added, sharply.

Valia flinched as his cold hands touched her neck. She knew what was to come once the needle touched her skin. But nothing felt better than the numbness that came after. Her mother would rather drug her than have to deal with her duties as a mother. "I do not care what she thinks."

He grabbed her chin in his hand roughly. "You should. She is your queen. It's about time you start respecting her. I do not know how many times you will attempt this when you know the outcome, Valia." Said Sir Gareth as he pierced the needle of the syringe in her neck.

"I will attempt however many times it takes until this wretched eye is out."

Maybe then she'll actually love me. The thought surprised her and pushed it back into her mind.

Control of her limbs had gone first as the sedative made its way into her system. Sir Gareth let go of her chin as he glared down at her. He leaned down to her ear. "She should've killed you when she had the chance." He whispered as she was gently placed into his arms by a guard. He slipped the empty syringe into his pocket, and he adjusted her in his arms. He carried her back to her room and placed her on her bed. His fingers gently graze the scarred eye, and she winced in pain.

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