Chapter thirty-four | Valia

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YEAR: 621 C.E


Even though she knew she wasn't truly there. This was her punishment for disobeying them. Her emotions rose from within her no longer suppressed by Myrna. She could feel Myrna's control dwindling away. Tears ran down her cheeks as she stared into the fireplace. The sound of the fire crackling within filled her mind as she ignored everything else. She was a child again. Her breathing hitched in her chest as she pushed herself up from the ground, leaving the fire's warmth. Valia scarcely remembered this day but as she pressed her mind further, everything came back to her. She was to relive everything she wished to forget. All of the neglect from her mother, the abuse from Nikolai, and the cruelty of being born in a kingdom that wished for her death. To be reminded of everything that made her want to take her own life was a cruel act in itself.

She stared down at her clothing. It was a dress she wore a lot as a child. Given to her by her father. A red and gold damask dress with long sleeves that split into separate fabric at the elbow. The gown was predominantly crimson with some gold accents. The dress' collar was made of thin gold fabric. Valia loved the dress. The way it flowed as she walked and how it felt against her skin.

The memory began to unfold around her and she lost control of her body. The passageway in her chambers looked way bigger when she was a child. She pushed it open and entered with a sigh. When she got tired of being stuck in her chambers, the princess would wander the passageways in the hope of finding something interesting. She walked for about ten minutes before stopping at her mother's chambers. She fidgeted with her hands as she softly pushed the door open. It barely reached a crack but she could see her mother and opening it more, she saw Sir Gareth. The older man sat down at the table where her mother often wrote her letters. Valia leaned closer, her face peeking through the crack. Luckily, they were too engrossed in their conversation to notice her.

"The king is a weak man. He will keep fighting you on keeping her alive because he loves her but her life is not much value to the crown. The nobles fear her, none of them want her on the throne. I advised you to kill her as a babe but the king disagreed and you took his side, your grace. At the end of it, it is your choice what you want to do with the child." Sir Gareth sighed deeply as he ran a hand over his face. The queen stood over him, her face emotionless. He spoke out of term but she didn't seem to get upset with him. She soaked in his words and her body froze.

Nikolai had told her that very thing on repeat, so she wasn't phased by it. She ran her hand over the stone and it was cold to the touch. She never knew what her mother was like behind closed door where no one could see her but now as she stared at her, everything made sense. Her mother never loved her and she never would. Valia had tried countless times for her mother to see her but it never got through to her like she wanted it to. She would never not be cold to her. Her mother closed her eyes as a breath escaped her. She was frustrated but her voice did not waver as she spoke.

"He will break her." She whispered. "...Nikolai. He hates her. I don't have to worry on wasting my time on trying to figure out what to do with her." Her hands brushed against her dress, smoothing the material. Tears pricked Valia's eyes.

"If I let Nikolai do what he's wants with her then I won't have to worry about having to kill her. She'll do it herself before the thought even crosses my mind again." Her mother added.

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