Chapter twenty | Valia

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YEAR: 620 C.E


This would be her new reality. Every ounce of it sunk inside of her and burned her. She would be training for a war. She would ultimately cause. Her brother would cause. He would never give up the throne without a fight. She would kill him, or he would kill her. There is no in-between in her world. If she were to die, it would be for a cause but if he were to die, would she jump up in joy? Laugh? Smile? She wondered if she would cry. Would they be happy or sad tears? Well, only time would tell.

She stood quietly, rocking on her bare heels. Koa had informed her that she would not be wearing shoes in the arena. He had started to become nicer to her since the accident with the Yuni as she heard them call it. She didn't understand it or him. All she remembered was the voice taking over and fighting the beast that tried to kill her and Mary. Then she woke up in her room with Mary over her. Valia's mood had quickly soured with pain in her head. He asked her if she was okay, and she ignored him.  "Come on." A voice behind her stated and glancing over her shoulder, she saw Koa with a blank expression on his face.

"You said at dawn and you're ten minutes late." Valia noted as she followed him into the arena. It was empty, their footsteps filled the space, echoing across it.

He sighed, "Good morning to you too." He stopped in the middle of the area. One leg in sand and the other in the grass.

And then she noticed the wooden swords in his hands. He threw them on the ground. There was pressure in her chest as she watched him. Her eyes pulled away for a moment to take in the area around her, but it was pretty vacant to the eye. She cleared her throat before speaking, "Good morning."

His eyes slightly softened as he took her in. "We'll start with the basics. Hand to hand combat." He stretched out his arms and legs as he spoke, "You suck at punching. I saw you with your brother, so let's work on that, first. Okay?"

Valia rolled her eyes as she scoffed. "It wasn't an insult. Take your head out of your ass for a moment. Your fighting skills aren't that great." He stepped closer to her and hesitantly grabbed her hands, forming fists.

Her body froze at his touch. "This was how your fist had been, but it needs to be like this." He undid the fist and flipped her palm toward the sky. He then curled her fingers inward and moved her thumb so, it was across the top half of her fingers. The pointer and the middle finger. Her thumb was now under the tips of her fingers. Making a fist.

"Now, I want you to try to punch me in the face." He said as he let go of her hands and backed away. She laughed.

"Don't get too excited." He said, sarcastically.

It was only a few steps away. She hummed quietly as she stared at her fist before looking at him. She was tall enough to be able to see directly into his eyes. He seemed to be about an inch taller than her. She nodded and lifted her fist, before her arm lunged forward and connected with his cheek. Koa barely moved like it didn't even hurt. He flexed his jaw. "Good. Now, try the other but your arm needs to be pushed back more." There was a lightness to his tone, but it wasn't noticeable. Her mind zoned in on it. Obeying, she made a proper fist with her left hand and struck him on his other cheek.

"Could use a bit of work."

"I think I did great." She smiled, knowingly.

The smile reached her eyes before falling when she noticed the fall of the light in his eyes. He chuckled as he shook his head. "You're far from ever being great. Subpar at best. Don't kid yourself, Princess." He used her title as an insult, and it bothered her. She backed away from him, way from his space.

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