Chapter forty-nine | Valia

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YEAR: 622 C.E


There was no pleasure in it. Changing wasn't something many humans would wish for themselves unless they were on the brink of death. The gods of the Ventrui were much like their creations. Cruel. Poison ran through their veins like a disease that could not be cured. Valia had found a way to kill the high lord, but it wouldn't be easy. If she failed, it would cost her life. But she remembered what the goddess had told her, "No one will follow you unless you are willing to die for them...No one will follow a fool." A small part of her knew she would not be able to give Koa what he wanted. For her to be a star and live eternity with the gods. She could not promise something like that when everywhere she turned, she would risk her life. With the elders, with the high lord, and with the war to come. Her life was not truly hers.

It was a broken promise. As she stared at the empty courtyard, snow fell down onto the flowers and trees. "Are you going to speak to me or are you going to continue to lurk in the shadows." She knew he was there before he even made a noise. Ventrui lacked a heartbeat but if she focused long enough, she could feel even the slightest sign of heat coming off their bodies. Life. The poison kept them alive without it; they would be dead. Averill stepped from the shadows with a small smile on his face. He was without his armor. Crimson eyes stared over at her with cool calculation, and she was one step ahead of him. She knew what he had planned if she did not give him what he wanted. It was obvious. He leaned against the pillar with a straight face.

"I would rather not talk about your future endeavors right now, ser." She turned to look at him with harsh eyes before going to look out at the courtyard.

He cleared his throat almost like he was afraid. "Your mother is dead." Valia glanced from the side of her eye and saw his hand move from his sword. He didn't know how she would react to the news of her mother's death. Something bubbled inside of her then a laugh escaped. A chilled and childish sound. It broke the tension in the air. His hand moved from his sword.

"How did she die?"

"Childbirth and poison."

Her brows knitted together. Childbirth? She thought. A glare laid upon her face as she turned to Averill. "A bastard?" The knight shook his head as he moved from the pillar. "True born. Your father and the baby vanished the day it was born with a wet nurse. I heard from a few lords on my way to my post." Valia nodded. Her mother had been reaching her fifties, it surprised her that she would even try for another child. What surprised her even more was the fact that her father was an active participant. Unless he wasn't and it gave her a sunken feeling.

"Have you figured o-"

Her jaw set and before she or even he knew it, she had him against the stone wall of the courtyard with her arm against his throat. She smiled at him, but it wasn't friendly or kind. It was unnerving. Wicked and sinful. It almost made her think Myrna had taken over for a split second. "What did I tell you?" Her voice came out playful and lacked any seriousness. The knight was ten times her size and he had a build that could overpower her in seconds, but he remained pinned to the wall with a shocked expression that amused her.

"I said I did not want to speak of it right now. If you want me to like you, Averill, don't be pestering." Valia let go of him and the ventrui glanced around before he cleared his throat.

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