Chapter fifty-eight | Valia

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YEAR: 622 C.E


She saw the truth in all of its cruelty. Every last bit of it. Nikolai could remain an ignorant fool all he liked. He could not feel the pain he caused. He could not care for the people he harmed as long as he got his way. He wasn't a fool, a fool was a person who acted unwisely or tried to trick. Nikolai knew what he was doing, and he did anyway, no matter if anyone scold him for it or not. A cruel false king, he would be. For as long as she kept him alive.

The throne room's doors opened with a loud creak. Every eye turned to her, but she paid them no mind, she only cared about the men near the throne. Nikolai and Prince Erato. They hadn't turned to her yet. The knight next to her cleared his throat as he began to announce her presence. "Valia of house Lamonia, High Lady of Helell, and rider to Merlal, the ill-tempered." The second her name left his lips they turned to her with wide eyes. It was an amusing sight. Their eyes looked like they about to pop out of their heads.

Gasps and whispers erupted in the room, but she continued to tune them out as she walked further in. Her arms pulled behind her as she glanced around seeing her house sigil. A smile passed her lips. "I cannot tell if I truly miss it here or not." Valia looked at her brother in the eyes as her features fell slightly. "It is a shame...truly. It is glad to see you well, Uncle." Valia bowed as she turned from Nikolai to look at her stunned uncle. His mouth opened and closed as he stumbled on his words.

"I saw you burn. How can this be?" Prince Erato stepped down from the throne, slowly. "Blessed it be...the saints have brought you back to us." He lifted his hands. Valia couldn't tell if he wanted to smile or cry.

"It was-." She was cut off by Nikolai storming down the steps with fire in his eyes. They were wild and cruel. She knew what he was thinking before he did it. She nodded but her head barely moved before one of her knights drew his sword pointing it at Nikolai, causing him to stop in his tracks. "I wouldn't do it if I were you."

He clenched his jaw as his breaths became rapid and animistic. Gods, he's lost it. She tilted her head. It was completely different from hearing of his madness than actually seeing it. He was much calmer about his rage when she was in the palace. The high lady shook her head as a breath left her. "Call your council, I would like to meet with them." She commanded calmly, looking away from the king.

"I do not take orders from you." He said as his head rose high and he straightened his back. It was pathetic. He was so terrifying when they were younger but now, he was pathetic. She had killed the high lord. One of the most powerful men in the world. "You should be dead." He shouted, causing all of the nobles in the room to scurry away. Like them, she would've done the same. Valia noticed there were only three of his guards in them room with him. She turned to her guards and Mary.

"Give us the room." She said softly. They nodded before leaving the room as soon as the door shut behind them, Valia turned to glare at her brother.

"I almost died. A witch took me before I could get to Azoz and staged my death. It turned out, I had something they wanted. A simple but complicated thing...It annoys me that I did not figure it out sooner."

"And what is that?" Nikolai snapped. His eye twitched as he turned to an empty corner of the room before looking back at her. His hand shook as he clenched it to his stomach. The flame hummed inside of her as she noticed the guards' heartbeats. They were loud against her ears. They were scared. She remembered them. They used to stand outside of her chambers as Nikolai beat her. She let out a breath as she felt their heat, their life inside of them. Then their pulses and their blood as it ran through their bodies. As the blood reached near their heads that was where she struck, one by one their heads exploded.

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