Chapter seven | Valia

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YEAR: 620 C.E


It was the morning after, she had woken up to Nikolai choking her. It hadn't been the first and wouldn't be the last. Nikolai had always been violent toward her. She had grown used to it over the years. Her father was oblivious to it but she had a suspicion that her mother knew about it. The servants and the guards talked, so why wouldn't the Queen know?

Midori would question why she had a bruise on her arm or a hand mark on her cheek, but she would never give a reply and just pushed it aside. No one would care to do a thing to the crowned prince of Vequera.

No one cared about the golden-eyed princess who cried for a lover who would never return. She was alone in this palace that housed hundreds of people, but no one would listen to her or even if they did, Would they be willing to risk their lives to help her? No. No one would go against a boy who would soon be king.

Mornings at the palace were always busy. Servants rushing around to tend to the needs of the people of court. They were standing at the entrance of the palace and Valia watched as servants filled the carriage with all the things, she would be taking with her. The book being one of them. She had hidden it in her truck between a few dresses but decided against carrying it on her person. A bag Daefier Harold had given her to carry her books in because he wanted her to read more of the histories while she was away.

He would quiz her on them when she returned. There is a loud thud and both Valia and her father turn to see a guard struggle to carry her truck to the carriage. "Ser Dawson make haste. They move out in ten minutes." His commander yelled at him from across the yard.

His already pale skin drained of its color as he met her eyes. "He is coming?"

Her father shook his head. "No, your brother has made him one of his personal guards. You will have Ser Hayden and Dame Nidia are good knights."

"So, Mother will not be sending me off?"

"She was feeling a bit ill this morning."

She turned to her father, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. "Is she alright?" She tried her best to fake sympathy.

"She will be. Your mother has just been under a lot of stress."

Because of me. She finished his sentence.

"Bless Aeyar." He whispered as he glanced down at her neck.

Valia cleared her throat as her hand grazed her red neck. Flashes from the night before and her face turned to stone. Every emotion disappeared before she could even process what she felt. She had gotten good at hiding them. "What happened to your neck?"

She knew her lying wasn't a good thing, but she had to do it. She had to. It wouldn't be the first time she lied to her father, and it wouldn't be the last. Her breath caught in her throat as she stepped away from him before he could touch her. His arm fell to his side. "Who did that to you?" His voice cut through her.

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