Chapter thirty-six | Valia

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YEAR: 621 C.E


Ashfire lit up as Valia's grip on it tightened. Heat radiated from it. Valia panted as she pushed forward, trying to gain control of the fight. Koa used his strength to push back, and she stumbled slightly but quickly regained her footing. She glared at Koa who looked calm as ever. She clenched her jaw as she let her sword fall to her side, pushing out air her lungs. She was exhausted. Her muscles began to ache like they normally did. She had been training every day since receiving her sword. Reaching a hand up, she wiped sweat from her forehead in a weak attempt to relieve herself. Her body was going through overdrive, but she still had a lot of pent-up energy. "Tired?" Koa asked with a smirk on his face.

He looked just as he did when he woke her up to train. Energized as ever. It annoyed her but her body had its limitations. He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face and glanced behind her. His expression changed from joking to serious in a matter of seconds. His body tensed like he was on guard. Valia turned and saw Enzo with Calix as they walked into the arena. Enzo avoided them like the plague. It was better for all of them if they stayed away from each other, but Valia could feel the animosity radiating from Enzo and Koen but more specifically Enzo. He glared at her from across the arena, but Koa stood in front of her. "What are you doing?" Her brows knitted together.

Koa ignored her as he threw a death stare at Enzo who quickly turned away. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side of the arena. "Koa?" She noticed in the last few months; he would act protectively over her like he was her guard. She didn't need his protection. She was getting stronger by the day, well by what she could see anyway. Her muscles had become more defined from training frequently. But whatever, she said it would be quickly ignored once he saw Enzo or Koen or if one of them got even within a few feet of her. He urged her into a sitting position on the ground as Calix stretched out her limbs. Enzo rolled his eyes as he stared at Koa.

When Calix finished stretching, Valia noticed she didn't have any weapons on her, but Enzo did. Before it began, Koa sat down next to her with a vacant expression. "I can protect myself; you know that right?" He glanced at her before turning back to Calix and Enzo before sighing.

The initial blow from Enzo just missed Calix's cheek as she moved to the left to avoid it. By connecting her right foot to the ground and sliding it swiftly, she caused Enzo to fall to the ground with a loud thud. Enzo rose from the ground quickly and they began to one-by-one throw punches at each other but after a few long minutes, Calix had gained control of the fight with blood dripping from her nose. Her eyes were filled with rage as she took a step back and lifted her arms from her sides. Water droplets rose from the grass and transformed into sharp spikes, which were hurled in all directions in a split second, with the majority landing on Enzo.

The ones that survived the fall were frozen by Enzo and thrown at Calix. He missed her entirely. "You should really work on your aim, Cousin." The drops fused together creating something large enough to be a small wave and she threw it at him. He tumbled to the ground, groaning. Enzo's body shook as his grew red with rage.

"I was in the infirmary for months because of that bitch. Sorry, if I'm a little rusty." He stood from the ground and glared at Valia.

Valia looked him into the eyes and smirked. Enzo's nose flared and he was about to storm over to Valia until he saw Koa and took a step back. As he returned to training, he muttered beneath his breath. He fought much more violently before landing more punches, and he nearly gained control. But Calix was the more skilled fighter. More calculated. She thought over every action she took before Enzo had a chance to react. She was similar to Koa. They were both lethal. Dangerous. Calix lowered her head and glanced at her cousin, expressionless. She stayed still. Only staring. Valia realized why she didn't have a weapon, when Enzo was pushed off his feet and Calix was on top of him, his own blade to his neck.

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