Chapter eleven | Amaryllis

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YEAR: 620 C.E


It was the third time since the arrival of the princess. Her mother warned her that it was a bad omen and that the Gods would not be kind to a human in Eler. But if they didn't want the princess there, she wouldn't be there. Amaryllis tried to remind her mother, but she would not listen. It wouldn't be the first and it wouldn't be the last. Mary let out a breath as she made her way to the Delacroix home. It was a house made of stone, but it was self-heat to help with the cold breeze of the black forest. When someone walked into their home, they would be met with the gentle smell of lavender and roses. She cursed them for living so close to the black forest. The temperature rose dramatically as she neared, and it bothered her. The warm summer breeze cooled to a severe winter's chill. A howl broke through the air. A chill ran down her back as she kept her distance. When she found her way to their home, she pushed the door open.

She rolled her eyes when she saw Koa and Drystan arguing like they always did. In truth, she knew they cared for each other deeply. It was how they were raised. All four of the Delacroix children were gentle spirits when it came to their family even if they tried to hide it at times. She knew. They look up at her for a moment before going back to their disagreement.

They were sitting at their dinner table and Calix, the eldest daughter sat at the head of the table with a glare on her face. Calix's eyes never left the fireplace. Flames danced in her eyes. Mary cleared her throat and they all looked up at her with wide eyes. "Where's the princess?"

Koa rolled his eyes. "Still in her room."

"He locked her in there and won't give back the key," Drystan exclaimed with a slight frown. He glared over at his brother. Mary's body relaxed at his mood. She could feel what he felt. Pity. They all knew what had happened to the princess when she was in Arcadios, but no one knew the full extent of it besides Koa and Malvolia, his mother. She hoped by coming there Malvolia would open it up to her about it.

Koa had animosity toward the princess. It was simple in her mind why he felt that way. Technically, all of them should feel some hatred for humans for what they did in the past, but Mary barely felt anything when it came to them. Way before there were queens in Vequera, the kings ruled with hatred. They judged anything that wasn't like them. Humans were like that. Fear ruled their minds like a plague that never went away even in their dying breath.

Koa and Mary were two separate beings. Koa Delacroix and Mary had grown up together. They weren't the same age, but they trained together since he was ten and she was eleven. Took their marks together. But they weren't friends. They did not get along. Mary tried once when they were younger, but Koa always clung to Arya or his father. Ever since Arya's death, he had become colder toward the humans they encountered since.

He had been sent out to fetch the princess's things with Mary and he had killed one of the humans. His mother had asked her to plant a body near the scene. So, they would stop looking for Valia. The princess was one of his victims. The princess did nothing to warrant this treatment but that did not matter. She closed the door behind her and welcomed the warmth of their home.

Even knowing all of that, Mary wasn't in the mood for his childish games. Malvolia wanted to speak to her but from what she could see, she was with the elders. The princess couldn't stay in that room all day. She eventually needed to know why she was brought there.

"Give me the key or I'll tell your mother about the time you got drunk on ale and took a piss in t-."

"Alright." He snapped and snatched the key out of his pocket then threw it at her. She caught it with little effort.

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