Chapter fifty-five | Valia

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YEAR: 622 C.E


Well, how could he give him a name? He had disappeared and hardly knew where he was. Vasily barely knew what happened except for being hours from reaching the Azozian border. Nefeli kept mentioning Merlal and her connection to Valia and other things like how every first-born child were said to be a dragon rider.

And that she suspected her brother to be one and that's one of the reasons why she took him, besides sending Valia a message. Her father was sleeping when she found herself in his chambers. They were a few doors down from hers in the royal apartments. She had a crib made for him. The crib was wooden with black paint covering the entirety of it. Two dragons were at the top of the crib almost like they were protecting him. Quietly, she walked over to it and stared down at his sleeping form.

He shared a lot of Vasily's features except for the obvious black marks on his skin. She knew it was from the poison, she didn't have to do much thinking to realize that. His heartbeat was slow and steady as she listened to it. With the tip of her fingers, she ran them over his cheek. His nose scrunched up at her touch. Vasily's heartbeat rose slightly as he stirred awake.

"Valia?" She didn't respond and remained near her brother. She hummed, to make sure he knew she was there. Minutes passed before Vasily spoke again.

"...Her last words were about you." Valia closed her eyes as sighed, her hand still on her brother's cheek. "She told me you were still alive. I was going to look for you but...they found us...How are you alive, Valia?"

She pulled away from the crib. Moonlight flashed in her face as she stared at her father's silhouette. "The body they found was some person they found near Eler. I was taken by the Elerians, and I stayed in Eler for a while before coming here. I don't fault them for taking me, they did what needed to do to secure their survival. They need me." Valia walked over to Vasily and sat down by his legs. She could see his face now and it made her want to cry. Gods, she missed him.

"Why did they need you?" Vasily asked with a shaken tone.

Valia lifted a hand from her lap and flipped it upright, so her palm was showing. Exhaling, she released the flame with hesitation. She didn't want to scare him. She didn't want him to call her a monster. The flame lit up the chamber with a warm hue. The heating coming of it was very little as she tried not to push herself too hard. "This is why they took me. I am the flame. The only reason I am able to control it is because they taught me how."

Vasily stared at the fire in her hand for a moment without saying a word. His tear-stricken eyes blinked down at it. "I don't...understand. You aren't a witch." Valia shook her head with a sigh.

"I'm not, but I have one inside me and the only way I am allowed to control have the flame is because of her and having the blood of the dragon is keeping me alive...keeping me from going mad."

Vasily nodded without much of a single word. Her hand clenched slightly as the flame thinned down. She didn't expect him to understand everything, so quickly. "I am going to kill Nikolai and reclaim the throne." Vasily's jaw clenched.

"You want to declare war on Vequera? With Nikolai?" Vasily asked calmly. His voice was eerily calm like he was somewhat happy about the fact that she was planning to kill Nikolai. Valia listened to her father's heartbeat for a moment. It calmed her down completely. Valia nodded.

"There are other issues besides Nikolai being on the throne, but I cannot discuss them with you right now. Not until everything has calmed down." Valia informed. "And you and him are safe. Completely. "Vasily pulled her into a soft embrace and as they pulled away, he kissed her forehead.

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