31: Light Up

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A/N: Sorry for the wait guys! Hope you enjoy! Should be wrapping up in maybe the next five (if I'm lucky) chapters!
Analise to the left and Angel to the right!

Waking up never felt so annoying.

After thirty minutes of resisting getting out of bed, I finally did to find myself on the verge of being late. So, I'd thrown on some clothes, stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth, and jumped into Rhonda before Liam ditched me at the mansion.

We arrived just as the first bell rang and I took off towards English. Mrs. Elrod generally doesn't care, but I don't want to catch her on a bad day and cause her to write me up. I swing by my locker on the way and snatch up my literature book before resuming my sprint through the hallways.

I throw myself into the room right when the late bell rings, but the teacher doesn't seem to notice; she's too busy speaking with a computer tech guy. I slide into the nearest available seat and begin the warm-up on Lord of the Flies. I glance around and see that Ian has been here a while, due to papers and work splattered all over his desk with the book flopped open in his lap. Maybe I should just ask him to wake me up in the mornings. And have him find you sleeping with his brother? Yeah. That's a great plan Analise.

The sound of the door shutting breaks me out of my reverie and I look over to see my hot, and very wet, boyfriend entering the room. Mrs. Elrod doesn't pay any attention to him either as he takes the seat in front of me. "Is it raining?" I slightly giggle, and he glares at me, "No. Not even a drop from the sky. Some crazy chick sprayed me with a hose." I can hear the sarcasm in his voice and roll my eyes.

"You might want to dry off. You're dripping onto the floor." I smile and rub the wet collar of his shirt between my fingers. "Just another thing to do to annoy the janitors," He shrugs, and then turns to do the warm-up as well. He occasionally peeks back to ask me about the book, since he hasn't read a word of it. Surprisingly, I've finished the whole thing. Reading is actually very therapeutic... for me, at least. When Mrs. Elrod finally begins to teach, I take extra notes. Yes, I have a 101 in English, but better safe than sorry, right?

After first period, I move onto Latin II, which is still easy, then onto Calculus aide. I study Physics and art history whilst Coach Watts drones on about secants or something. Then arrives Econ, which is most likely one of the easiest classes I have. Next is Physics, which is graciously interrupted by the resounding lunch bell. I almost run from the room out of glee, thankful to not have to face anymore notes for now.

At lunch, I find Vanessa, Tiffany, and Jenna all pouring over a binder stuffed with pages, swatches, and floor plans. This can only mean one thing-


"Planning for prom?" I raise my eyebrows and drop my lunchbox onto the table. All of their blond heads shoot up in surprise at being interrupted. "Yeah. We didn't know if we should wait for you since you don't seem so into it," Tiffany says and I shrug, "Well, I'm definitely going." Vanessa squeals and claps her hands, then spins the book around to face me. "Which theme should we go with? 'Arabian Nights' or 'Enchanted to meet you'?"

My eyes skim over both floor plans before I ask, "What was the theme last year?" "Princesses," Jenna answers and I tap the first option, "Then 'Arabian Nights.' You don't want it to be princess-y every year." "That's exactly what I was thinking! Have you found a dress?" A dress? Of course not. I haven't really had time to focus on buying a dress.

"Nah," I open my water bottle and take a long swig of the crisp liquid. "Me neither! We should all go on Saturday!" Vanessa shrieks. "I'll have to check with Jake first, but I'm sure he'll be cool with it!" Tiffany states "What, does he need to let you off your leash so you can do your business?" I sneer; angry that she allows him to constantly tell her where and when she can come and go.

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