33: Absolutely Nothing

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A/N: So I'm thinking like 3 or 4 more chapters, to cover Prom, Graduation, something else, and an Epilogue! Final Stretch!

Fast-forward: After the 'I-might-have-been-pregnant' issue, things have been... tricky, you could say. Liam and I haven't really spoken and whenever I see Greg or Cindy, I shy away in shame. It's a good thing that Cindy decided not to tell my parents- I think; I haven't gotten a very angry voicemail, yet.

On a slightly related note, I'd always thought that one the night of my Senior Prom, I'd be extremely happy and my date and I would laugh and have fun.

That's not how things are unfolding.

I'm awkwardly standing in the Sanfords' living room, all prepped for Prom, waiting for Liam. "He's probably just having trouble with his tie, is all," Cindy reassures me, "I'll go see what's taking so long." She passes the camera onto Greg, who gives me a half-smile and then avoids all eye contact.

"Well, I'm ready," I hear from behind me and I turn to see Ian, all dolled up and ready in his tuxedo. Wow... he looks... His gaze catches mine and I realize that I've been gawking. My cheeks stain red and I quickly turn away. "Son! Come on down... Where's your date?"

At that moment, I realize that Ian's date, in fact, is not here. I turn to him for an explanation and he shrugs, "She gave me an ultimatum. If I didn't ask her out, then I'd be going to Prom alone," He stuffs his hands into his pockets, "turns out I'm going to be going stag." "You can hang with Liam and me," I offer, but that just puts an odd look on his face, so I shut up.

"Here he comes! It was the tie!" Cindy pauses at the kitchen door, sighs, and then reaches out and yanks Liam forward my his suit lapel. "Just-a-little-slow-" Liam says as he barely manages to stay on his feet by himself. Greg begins to realize what's going on, I note by the look on his face, and seems as if he's going to try and interject, but I hurriedly rush forward and support Liam's weight, "It's ok sweetie," I say a little too sweetly and guide him over to the living room floor where Ian is waiting.

"Really man? It's senior prom," I hear Ian grumble out, but Liam doesn't hear him because he's twiddling my hair with his fingers and repeatedly whispering, "Hehe, you're pretty." "Everyone, get together!" Cindy reclaims the camera and forces a smile onto her perfectly made face. Ian shifts closer and reaches behind me to help support some of Liam's weight as Cindy counts down, "Three...two...one... Say, Prom!" No one actually says it, and I suddenly have a sinking feeling in my stomach that this Prom isn't going to be as great as I expected.

"Ok, kiddos, the limo is waiting outside. Have fun, don't party too hard, and try not to impregnate anyone... Liam," Greg claps his hands as he murmurs Liam's name at the end. My face burns hot at his sentiment and I quickly grab Liam's hand and pull him towards the door. As I go, I hear Ian behind me, "Thanks for the advice, Dad. I think I just might impregnate someone since that rule only applies to Liam."

"Eh, we aren't too worried about you, son. You've got your whole future planned out- Liam has no clue what he's doing with his life." Wow. What a great father. "You smell good," Liam giggles out and runs a finger down the side of my cheek. "What happened?" Vanessa squeals when she spots Liam and I walking towards the black limousine. "Nothing," I wave her away, but quickly put my hand back on Liam's arm to keep him from falling.

"Is he-?" "Drunk? High? One of them. I'm not sure which." She looks anxious for a moment, as if this will set back her whole plan of Arabian Nights and will ruin the rest of her year, but she brushes it away and waves her hands, "We'll grab a Starbucks on the way and we have water in the limo. Where's Ian?" "Present!" He shouts as he comes out of the front door. "Where's Lana? I thought you were bringing her?" "Plans changed. Going stag," He shrugs. She claps a hand to her forehead, but, again, waves it off, "You can pose with Liam and Ana." "Isn't that sort of creepy? Like we're sharing her?" Ian interjects and Liam mumbles something that sounds like, "Sharing is caring," under his breath.

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