17: Wedding Date

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A/N: Sorry if the chapter doesn't make sense at the end, lol, I'm super tired. And if @bayturtle1 is reading this, just wanted to say that 'Lialise' make me want to sing all of my loner jingles over and over even though they're works of fiction and I wrote them out.

Thanks. Happy reading.


There's just something about them that always makes me feel... nauseous?

Of course I'm happy for my cousin, Adriana, and her new husband, Gabe, but I always feel so... awkward, here, with all my family. Especially since almost every old person comes up to me and utters a, "You'll be next!"


I won't be next, because the man I'd planned on marrying my whole life, is dead. Don't get me wrong, I do see a future with Liam, but I highly doubt that I'll be 'next,' as they put it. It's not that I don't like weddings, I do. I don't mind going, as long as it's not my own. "Analise!" My inner confession is broken by the happy screeching of my newly-wed cousin.

"Adriana!" I speak back with as much zeal as possible. She rushes at me for a hug, squeezing me so tightly that I'm sure I'll have fractured ribs when I pull away. "I'm so so so glad you could make it! How was the flight back?"

"Fine," I half-smile and nod, then add, "I'm so happy for you and Gabe!" She blushes and presses a hand to her chest, "Aw, that means a lot, Ana! Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" I chime, then glance around, "Speaking of significant others, have you seen Liam? Assuming that you've already met him." She laughs and nods, "Oh yes, I've met him!" I give her a suspicious glare when she's not looking.

"Well, do you know where he is?" I ask, my patience becoming slightly tested. She simply giggles again, "Yes, he's talking to all of my Chi Omega (ΧΩ) friends!" She gestures over to the corner of the reception hall.

I immediately spot my tall boyfriend with his adorable gray bow-tie and messy brown hair. I smile in spite of myself, then allow my eyes to lower to the group of blonde preps surrounding him. My eyes narrow, and something sounding like,

'Ohhellno," slips from my mouth, and I excuse myself past Adriana and stomp over to the star of the show himself. I murmur an, "Excuse me," to one of the girls, which comes out way too sweetly.

She merely glances me up and down, and scoffs, then says, "This isn't the place for a brunette slut like you. He only likes blondes." I raise an eyebrow at her comment, and question back, "And how do you know that?" "Because,"

She spits, "I'm great at reading people, and right now, I'm on the chapter where he comes home with me." I scoff and roll my eyes at her, then turn my attention to him, "Liam, baby, wanna dance?" I call, and his eyes flit over to me, a huge smile engulfing his face.

"Sorry girls, I have to dance with my beautiful girlfriend," He pushes through them, and they all glare holes into me. The former girl just stands there, seemingly in shock, and I respond, "Maybe you should read more books for beginners." I smirk triumphantly, then allow Liam to pull me to the dance floor, where many other couples have already taken up occupancy.

With his hands on my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck, we glide around the room, keeping at a slow pace with the song. "What was up with that comment about books?" He questions, slightly inching closer to me. "Eh, nothing," I shrug, tightening my arms around his neck. "Really, Ana, what is it?" He asks.

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