2: Unwanted Reminders

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I sigh deeply as I try to avoid the voices and laughter of the boys next door. I immediately unzip my suitcase, starting to hang the clothes on the hangers I found in the walk-in closet in front of me. As soon as I've hung the first item, my phone starts buzzing erratically in my back pocket. I whip it out and slide the button on the screen to answer, "Hello?" I press the device between my ear and shoulder as I unfold some more clothes. "Hey Lise! Hey Ana!" I hear two voices that belong to my best friends- Hanna and Kaylee.

"Hey guys! Where's Ryan? I thought he was going to call too?" Ryan was probably my closest friend, especially after Elli- "Hey Annie!" His voice chimes over the speaker and I shriek, "Ry! I'm so glad you called!" "What are we?" Hanna scoffs. "Lamps?" Kaylee adds. There's a long silence before Ryan speaks, "Lamps?" A hint of humor in his voice. "I saw it on Vine, ok! Don't judge me!" Kaylee snaps, earning a chuckle from me. "I'm glad to hear from you guys too. It's just that Ryan is the only male I can tolerate at the moment," I explain, rolling my eyes as a whoop of laughter comes from next door. "Why?" Hanna asks, and I can just see the smirks on their faces. "Meet any new guys?" "Yes, I met six new guys," I say, turning my phone on speaker and placing it on the dresser. "Six new guys! You hit the jackpot babe!" Kaylee exclaims, her voice coming out a little foggy through the speaker.

"Well, I did and I didn't," I say, thinking of the pros and cons in my head. "How so?" Ryan questions, seemingly intrigued. "Well, they're all extremely attractive," I raise my eyebrows whilst picking up and arranging my shoes. "And?" He urges. "I live under the same roof as them," I continue. "They have six sons?" Ryan states- more than asks- in disbelief. "Yeah..." I trail off. "Tell us the names! Even though we can't see them, we can at least tell their hotness by their names!" Kaylee squeals. I take a deep breath, "Well, there's Brian, Jameson, Liam, Ian, Jeremy, and Wyatt." "Ages?" Hanna urges. "Twenty-three, nineteen, eighteen, seventeen, sixteen, and eight," I name off. "Who's the cutest?" She asks in a flirty voice. "Definitely Wyatt! He's like a little gentleman!" I rant over his cuteness. "Seriously Ana? An eight year old?" Kaylee says, unamused by my immaturity.

"Who's the hottest other than Wyatt?" Hanna rephrases. I shrug although they can't see me, "Not sure." "Have you seen any shirtless?" Kaylee presses. Ryan huffs, "Of course she hasn't-" "Actually, I have. I saw Liam shirtless. He even carried me to my room in all his muscular glory," I say sarcastically, throwing my undergarments into a dresser drawer. "Carried you to your room? Why?" Hanna breaks in through my sarcasm. "Because of my acrophobia," I simply state and they all "Ohhhh" in understanding. "Besides, he didn't have to go very far from his own room. Our's are connected by a bathroom," I tell them. "Connected by a bathroom? As in the only way you can get out is through his room?" Ryan concludes and I nod, "Yep."

"Ooh someone's gonna get-" Kaylee starts to cheer loudly, but I shush her, "Quiet! The walls are really thin and he's next door with some of his friends." "Attractive?" Hanna inquires, her voice rising a tone. "Very," I answer, fanning myself slightly. "The only problem is that they're very loud and I-" I stop myself, realizing the noise has ceased. "And you?" Kaylee breaks out of the silence. "One sec Kay," I whisper, slowly walking to the door. I press my ear against it, hearing gruff breathing right outside. "Hey, I've got to go. I'll call you guys later," I murmur and hang up without a response. "Idiots," I whisper under my breath as I think of the boys pressed against the the other side of the wood before unlocking the door and swinging it open, Liam partly falling into my room. "What are you doing?!" I demand, crossing my arms and furrowing my brow. "Listening in on your conversation about how sexy we are," Liam doesn't sugarcoat or try to lie.

"I never said sexy," I point out. "You were thinking it," He chimes. "In your dreams," I roll my eyes, moving my hands to rest on my hips. "Pft, don't act like you're not attracted to all this," He gestures to his bare upper half then winks at me. "There is still somethingwrong with your eye! I really think you should go get that checked out," I say with faux concern, scrunching my nose slightly. "Or, you could check me out," He does this weird thing with his tongue and I shrink back, repulsed. "Uhm gross," I scrunch my nose again, sticking my hand out to stop his face from getting any closer to mine. "Hmph," He says in a joking tone, then moves his mouth beside my ear, "You won't be saying that when you're screaming my name."

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