21: TKO

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A/N: Song for this chapter is TKO by Justin Timberlake! Hope you enjoy! I have school this week, but I'll try to update!

The sunlight streaming in through Liam's curtained windows awakens me and I sit up, holding a hand over my eyes to shield them from the harsh rays of the morning Cali sun. Everything in the room is the same- abandoned clothes scattered on the floor, an ashtray full of used cigarettes, and the musky smell of Liam combined with smoke and booze.

The only factor missing is... Liam. I sigh, then wipe at my tired eyes. Might as well take a shower and get ready for school, then find him and try to deal this out. So I do exactly that. I shower, fix my hair, my makeup, then throw on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black and white striped v-neck. I, cautiously, fumble down the stairs until I'm standing at the island with two of the brothers, while the rest sit at the table- minus Liam.

"Where's Liam?" I question as I pour some generic brand cereal into the blue ceramic bowl waiting for me. "He left early," Jameson shrugs, then carries his own bowl to the table and sits. Brian hops up on the island and leans back on one hand, his teeth biting into an apple at the same time, "He seemed pretty disheveled." "Disheveled?" Jameson asks, almost incredulously, at Brian's newfound vocabulary.

"What?" He shrugs as everyone stares at him. "I'm dating a new girl. Likes words and reading. I'm trying to find ways to impress her." "Doesn't that usually happen with a flash of your perfect smile and a tug at the v-neck?" I question, slowly pouring milk into my bowl. "Yeah, but she seems unfazed. It's weird." "Smart girls are usually like that." "Like you are!" Jameson offers and I shrug, then spoon some cereal into my mouth.

"Until Liam charmed his way into your pants," Ian mutters as he drops his bowl into the sink, then swoops his bag over his shoulder. I open my mouth to say something, but he's already out the front door before I can. "Did I do something to him?" "You wounded his ego by picking Liam instead of him," Wyatt says, almost a matter-of-factly.

"I wasn't aware it was a competition," I retort to the general vicinity. "To him it was," Brian comments back, and I sigh, "I have no clue how everything has gotten so screwed up." "Don't worry Ana," Jameson slings an arm around my shoulder after placing his bowl into the sink, "you still have me." He winks, and I scoot away. "Yeah... So, who's taking me to school?"

He'll be at school, they said. He just left early, they said. However, Liam hasn't been in any classes so far, and it's already seventh period. I have a feeling that he won't be making an appearance. As I pull out my materials for AP Government and Statistics, I hear a , "Psst!" come from behind me. I ignore it, only for it to come again, along with a paper ball smacking the back of my head. I slowly turn to see a group of girls, known as the "Preps," or something stupid like that, all staring at me.

"What?" I question. "What's your name?" The middle one, with bleached blonde hair and green eyes, asks. "Analise," I nod and roll my lips into my mouth. I begin to turn back around when all they do is exchange looks, but the middle one halts me. "I'm Jenna," She introduces, then nods to the left, "this is Tiffany," and to the right, "and Vanessa. We just wanted you to know that we've all dated Liam and know how you're feeling right now." I raise an eyebrow at their bold statements, then shift towards them further, "Know how I'm feeling?"

"Totes," Tiffany, left blondie, agrees with a flick of her wavy hair. "I mean, he doesn't show up to school, he gets completely trashed- we know his routine," Jenna explains, and I begin to feel the anger rising up inside of me. "And we're here for you," Vanessa reaches across her desk to squeeze my hand. I half-smile, "I appreciate it, but-" "Ah, ah, ah! No 'buts' Lise. You totally have to sit with us at lunch tomorrow! It will be good for the soul. We've noticed you don't really hang with anyone except the Sanfords, and we want to change that." Jenna smiles, and grabs my hand as well, "We're going to be best friends. I'm sure of it."

After Elliotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें