10: Make-Out

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Didnt really wanna end it the way I did, but I have school tomorrow, so.... :/


I stare over at Analise as I pick up my clothes from last night. God, she's so cute when she sleeps. Her hair is a mess, but it's adorable, and her lips slightly parted as she contently slumbers. She'd curled up into a little ball once I'd gotten out of the bed-

Gosh that was cute.

Everything about this girl is just...


I shake my head, smiling to myself as I begin to leave, but she stirs, turning over onto her back. I glance back at her, noticing a scowl coming over her sleeping face. I furrow my brow in curiosity, stepping closer to observe, when her breathing gets quicker. "No, Devon, no, please," She mumbles through sleep, and it's my turn to scowl.

Who's Devon?

"Analise," I say softly, reaching out to her, when she shoots straight up into sitting position and screams like a banshee. She thrashes around, frightened, as if someone is trying to hurt her. "No! Please! Don't hurt me! Please!" She sobs, and it nearly breaks my heart. "Ana," I say, worried she'll hurt herself if she continues. I sit behind her on the bed, wrestling until I'm cradling her. Her small form fights against my chest, her back slamming into my abdomen. "Let go!"

She shrieks, trying to break free of me. I cross my legs over her's so she can't kick anymore, and she still struggles as I hold her down. "Analise," I whisper in her ear, rocking her back and forth like a child. "No," She whimpers, murmuring other incoherent words. "Ana," I say again, this time a little louder, "You're safe. I got you. Liam's got you baby."

She slowly succumbs to my soothing words and body heat, relaxing into my chest. I sigh, glad that the attack is over. I'm about to place her back into bed, when she yawns and reveals her beautiful blue orbs to me. They look so innocent and childlike, so inexperienced in my sight, when it's clear that she's been through more than I expected.

"Hey sleepy-head," I smile at her, and she wears a dumbfounded look on her face. "What time is it?" She asks groggily, and I laugh at her bed head, "Eight. We have doctor's appointments later today, so Mom just said we could skip out on school." "My second day and I'm already absent," She grumbles under her breath and I laugh.

"Would you rather be in English?" I raise an eyebrow at her and she shakes her head, "Definitely not." "That's what I thought." I grin, then remember last night. Oh god, did she remember? I scoot closer to her, if thats even possible, and force her to look at me, "Do you remember last night at all?" Her eyes suddenly fill with fear, and she nods and bites her full bottom lip.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I raise my brow and she shakes her head. "Alright. But eventually, we'll need to go over all of it, okay?" She nods in response once again, and I replay the action back to her, standing from my spot on the bed. However, she grabs my hand, halting me. "Yeah?" I ask staring down at her doe-like expression.

She chews on that bottom lip again, and by now, I'm seriously turned on. I reach down and slowly pull it away from her teeth. She releases the soft skin, and I run my thumb over the indent from her ivories, earning a slight gasp from her. And in that moment, it's as if she can't contain the lust building up inside her, because she grips my shirt and pulls me down onto the bed, climbing on top of me.

I'm shocked at her move, and can't find any reaction in me at all. She doesn't seem to mind as she takes control and plants her lips firmly onto mine. When I don't respond, she kisses harder, biting into my bottom lip.

That definitely caught my attention.

I groan into her mouth, then start to work my lips over her's in return. Suddenly, she runs her tongue over my lip and I shudder. Literally no girl has ever had this affect on me. I groan once again, trying to keep myself under control.

You're not under control, Liam, you're under Analise.


Wait. I'm under a girl? Yeah, that doesn't happen. Unexpectedly, I flip our positions, causing a yelp to escape her plump pink lips. "Sorry darling," I purr, nuzzling my face into her neck, "But I'm on top. Always." I can tell she's about to sass back to me, so I playfully bite her neck, causing a soft moan to leave her lips.

I smile to myself- score. I lap my tongue over the sensitive spot, earning more gasps and moans from her. I kiss over to the other side of her neck and revisit the hickey I made last night. It's already a dark purplish color. I smirk slyly to myself, everyone is gonna know she's mine.

I place my lips back over the mark, sucking and nipping to turn it darker. She grips my hair, not letting me move my head, which I'm perfectly fine with. After I'm sure I've made the love bite large enough, I pull back and softly kiss the area to bring comfort. She sighs, still holding tightly to my hair.

I let my fingers travel down to the edge of her shirt, where I allow them wander across the exposed sink of her stomach. She sucks in a breath, and I simper, cocky that I can earn a reaction from her. "You like that?" I question arrogantly, laying my palm on her stomach and caressing her soft skin.

I move my head down, placing featherlight kisses on her tummy, dipping my tongue into her navel as I go. She groans, slightly arching her back in pleasure. Seeing her like this, brings me so much joy. No other guy can make her feel like i Do. No one.

I suddenly become territorial and move my head back level with hers. "You're mine," I growl out, pressing my full body even closer to hers. She whimpers, gripping my arms tightly. "L-Liam," She chokes out, and I silence her. "Tell me, Analise. Tell me that you're only mine, and that only I can make you feel this way, do these things to your tight little body. Tell me," I demand, and she merely groans in response.

"Analise," I warn with my tone, "Now." "Ah, Liam please," She begs as I trail my fingertips over her legs and busy myself with kissing up her neck. "Now, Ana. I want to hear it from you," I grind out through clenched teeth. Gah, this girl is going to be the death of me.

"I-I'm y-yours. Only y-you can make me feel this way- oh, Liam that feels good," She says as I stroke her hair softly. "Good," I speak, completely satisfied with myself. I peck her mouth, then quickly remove myself from on top of her. Oh yeah, I definitely want to, you know, do things with her, but now isn't the right time.

I mean, especially since my brothers are right downstairs. She glares at me once she's broken out of her haze, "Tease." She growls, then attempts to storm off, but I grip her around the waist and pull her back, her back to my chest. "My brothers are downstairs. Wouldn't want them to intrude, now would we?" I whisper in her ear, winning a shiver.

"N-no," She squeaks out, and I smirk, pecking her head. "Let's get going Ana-Blue-Eyes." I begin to pull her out of the room, but then stop her. "Oh, you might want to cover that up," I point to her neck, and she slaps her hand over the place. Her eyes darken as she stares at me.

"I'm officially going to kill you." "You couldn't," I grin triumphantly, then steal another kiss before running away from her wrath.

I cannot believe you're seriously scared of a 120 pound, 5'5 tall girl.

My subconscious sneers at me and I roll my eyes.

She's pretty menacing!

Yeah, right.

After ElliotOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara