32: Birthday

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A/N: So, a ton of people were like meh update and my power went out so I had nothing better to do. Ergo, I give you chapter 33. Enjoy.


Death. It feels like I've inhaled death. As smoke and blackness fills my lungs I instantly begin to cough and splutter, dying for fresh air to come. My throat was on fire, as were the breathing concoctions inside of my chest.

"Analise?" I hear Liam call from the shower right as the water stops. He enters the room, only wearing a towel around his waist, to find me basically dying whilst holding a lit cigarette. "What are you doing?" He demands and rushes forward to yank the small stick from my hand. "I-wanted-to-see-what-the-appeal-is-ˮ I wheeze out and lightly clutch my throat as I gag.

"Why on earth? Why!" He shouts and puts out the small embers on the end of the stick. "I just told you-ˮ "Don't ever do that again, Analise. I'm serious." He crosses his arms over his wet chest and I have to remind myself to focus on his eyes, not his body. "What's up with you all of a sudden? Being demanding and bossing me around! This is how Devon acted before he-he-ˮ I choke again and suddenly feel the need to vomit.

And I do. It's a good thing Liam caught on and grabbed a trash can before I spilled the contents of my stomach onto his carpet. It feels as if acid is scorching my throat and nose as it all comes out and I suddenly have the feeling that I need to sit down.

When I pull back, I grip Liam's arm tightly to keep myself from wobbling, and sit heavily onto the bed. "What was that?" Liam's face has blanched and he looks like he's going to throw-up as well. "I threw-up. It happens," I say weakly. "Can you please get me some Phenergan-ˮ "Do you think you might be pregnant?" My gaze snaps to his and I scoff, "I think you have to have sex to become pregnant Liam."

"We did." I cringe away and squint my eyes in confusion, "No we didn't. What are you talking about?" He sighs and rubs his palms across the towel, "Well, I think we may have." "When?" "Do you remember that party we went to a couple weeks back? You know, the one for seniors?" "With all of the alcohol?" "Yes." "...Well?" I prod him to continue.

"You were extremely... intoxicated, and I wasn't far from it and I decided to take you to one of the rooms to sleep, but then you started kissing me and after that it's all a blur." "Why don't I remember any of this?" "You were really out of it, I mean, like really really "Ok, I get it. You're very descriptive." I wring my hands in my lap, suddenly on the verge of a panic attack. I fly to my feet and begin to pace, "But I would know, wouldn't I? I mean, you can't just not know if you had sex, right? Gosh, I should've never went to that party!"

Shouldn't've been drinking illegally. That's what you get for getting drunk, Analise. You get an uh-oh and suddenly all your plans are spoiled. Come to think of it, I haven't had my period in days... "What?" Liam questions, seemingly confused at what I whispered to myself.

"Nothing," I brush him off an tangle my fingers into my scalp. It's silent for a moment and I press my fingertips to my lips, wondering what will happen to me if I am pregnant. "Analise," Liam speaks softly, as if he's talking to a wounded animal, "we need to get a pregnancy test." "I know," I murmur. "And we need to consider the possibility that you are-ˮ "I know," I say, a bit stronger this time.

"Look, we can go to Planned Parenthood and work it all out-ˮ "We can't Liam. If anyone knows, they might classify it as rape since I was unaware." Yes, I'm slightly blowing this out of proportion, but it could happen. He massages his temples with his fingertips and sighs, "I'll get up early in the morning and go get you one. For now, I'm going to change into my pajamas." He walks over to his drawers in the corner of the room and I turn my head as he drops his towel.

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