11: Doctor's Outing

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That's all I feel for Liam as I braid my hair to the side- over the large love bite he left. To accentuate my loathing, he's getting ready next to me, smirking at my annoyance."Take a picture it'll last longer," I mumble, then exit into my room to slip on my converse. "Why a picture when I have the real thing?" He leans against the doorway, his red v-neck clinging to his muscles possessively.

I try to push the thought of him in that tight shirt from my mind since I'm attempting to ignore him. "Oh c'mon Ana, don't be like this," he says, pushing himself forward towards me. I instantly scoot away, and he grabs my waist, pulling me against him roughly. "Forgive me," he at first whines, and when I show no response, he demands, "Forgive me, Analise."

Psht. Yeah. Right.

"Why should I? Now the doctor is going to think I'm a serious slut," I point out, and he merely chuckles, "Fine, I'll tell her it was me." My eyes widen at the prospect, and I screech, "No! She'll try to give us the safe-sex talk! Or put me on birth control!" "You're already on it," He nods to the box of pills atop my dresser. I freeze and slowly glance over at them.

I stomp to them, slam package into the drawer, then bang the shiny wood shut. "Thats none of your business," I cross my arms over my chest, guarding the dresser. He merely sighs again, then exits, his hands raised in surrender, "Call me when you aren't in a mood." He calls back, and I roll my eyes. After I've applied makeup to the bruises on my face and hickey on my neck, I'm ready to go.

I speed-walk through Liam's room and down the hall, then basically become a part of the wall as I slink down the stairs. When I enter the kitchen, all of the boys are waiting around for me. "Ready?" Brian asks the vicinity once I've joined them. "Yep. I just hope I don't have to get any shots. I'll probably freak and stab it in the nurse's neck," Jameson says, his eyes taking on traces of fear.

"Nah, it's just a little check-up to see if we're developing right," Ian interjects, slinging his laptop bag over his shoulder and avoiding eye-contact with me. "Alright kiddies! Let's all pile up in the Ex.," Brian says as he starts moving towards the front door. Everyone follows, myself being last in line, out the door and into the large red Excursion. Jeremy and Ian sit in the very back, Liam in the middle (stretched out lazily, of course), Jameson and Brian sit in the front seats,

while I sit in the first sectional seat, Wyatt leaning against my arm. It doesn't take long for us to come to the clinic, and I carry the cute little Sanford inside. As I put him down, he screams, "Toys!" Then runs over to waiting area, out of my reach. "You can't just run away for toys, Wyatt!" Ian scolds him, Liam following inside after him. "Toys!" Liam shrieks, bounces, then runs over to where Wyatt is playing with cars.

"Immature," Ian grumbles, then goes and takes a seat as far away as possible from them, almost as if they're a disease. I roll my eyes at his childish behavior, then sign myself in. The secretary hands me a clipboard to fill out my personal information, and I seat myself beside Brian. "Here," He hands me all of their clipboards to fill out, and I groan.

"I don't know all your information, Brian," I point out, and he shrugs, "Just put down for us whatever you put down for yourself." I open my mouth to speak, but he turns to Jameson before I can. My shoulders slump as I glance at the stack of seven clipboards to fill out.

I'm not the mom here, why do I have to fill these out?

You're the only girl, so the job transfers to you.

Sexist idiots.

After I'm done with them all, I turn them back in, and not five minutes later, we're all called back into the rooms. We're weighed and measured, then all crammed into a tiny examination room, and I awkwardly set myself on the table. Wyatt joins me, sitting on my lap happily as we wait for the nurse to come in.

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